Chapter Five: Decide

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No, I can't believe it, I won't believe it. I will not believe it...

The vampires are being hunted down, what am I supposed to do? Act like a human, or will they find me? Join the other vampires? No, I don't want to associate with them. I never did, I never am.

BTS was heading back into the van, they're heading to some photo shoot and heading back to Big Hit afterwards to practice. Thank god that some of the members actually talk to me, otherwise I would've been lost on this schedule.

After about two hours of photo shooting, we drive back to Big Hit. It's already almost sundown by the time we get to the building thanks to traffic. By the time I go into their studio, I collapse on the floor. I didn't even do anything and yet I'm tired. Why? Because watching boys' energy gets me sleepy, how are they this hyper?

Seokjin approaches me, "(Y/N)? Are you alright?" he says leaning towards my face with a worried expression. "Nah, I'm fine. What about you? Aren't you tired?" Seokjin looks at the rest of members who are playing around. He suddenly smiles, "I guess I am, but looking at my family gives me a bit of a boost." I stare at him. Family? Wow, that sounds... "But no doubt how do they have this much energy? The power of youth is strong," now I'm staring at Seokjin with a 'what the heck' face. That was random. "Oh well, I'll just be watching you guys!" I say. Seokjin nods and joins the rest of his members.


It's finally evening and now I'm heading home. The streets of Seoul are bustling and have many cars in traffic. By the time I'm home it's eleven PM. I get ready for bed and lay down facing my clock. 11:11 PM. I wish to be human. What a silly wish I've always asked for ever since I was a kid. Always wanting to be human but never being able to. I'm so stupid. I close my eyes and wait for the morning. Tomorrow is another day.


Before I know it, I'm here in front of the elevator again. Will I be able to see Suga again? Probably not. The elevator door opens with no one inside. Knew it. I go inside and head to my boss' office. He tells me to watch BTS again, but to now get closer to them. When I ask why so, he replies, "I want you to get to know how the boys are. They are truly amazing, so I want you to get close to them. At least one member for you to get close with is enough." Seriously? Is this all I have to do for work? Just watching some grown-up men and possibly getting close to them. But then again, they all are great and seem friendly. Only exception being Suga, he's just plain rude!

The day ended in a flash with BTS going to another interview and practicing for their future showcases. I head home once again, but tonight was different from my recent ones.

As I'm about to enter my apartment building, I hear a familiar voice. "Yah (Y/N)! Long time no see!" Grand. I turn around and I see my two male cousins, Beom-seok and Min-hyuk. "What do you want, I'm tired," Beom-seok started acting scared while Min-hyuk put on his 'stuck up' act, "Oh! Come on (Y/N)! Lighten up! Your cousins are here to pick you up and save you!" Min-hyuk put his arm around me. "What do you mean by save me?" I remove Min-hyuk's arm. Beom-seok and Min-hyuk looked at each other.

"You haven't heard the news?" Beom-seok questioned. "All of the whole vampire clans are worried so we're all teaming up to protect ourselves." Now I'm getting confused. I mean who wouldn't? Clans, who hardly have any interaction with one another, teaming up to protect one another? That's rare, but not impossible. The vampires have a chance of being wiped out now that the humans have noticed us. But anyhow, I've already promised myself I can't join my kind again. Cause vampires bitches and jackasses towards humans, at least I rarely drink blood. However, my family eats when there's no need. My family members, or otherwise the L/N clan, are known to be 'binge eaters' in vampire kind which is a jerk move towards the humans. It's rumored that my family also eats vampires so they're also called 'cannibal feasters'. I don't even know how vampires come up with these names, but it's not exactly impossible that my family are not cannibals.

I furrow my eyebrows, "I don't want to cooperate with you guys, leave."

Beom-seok shook his head. "This is a wrong move (Y/N), you're not only creating enemies, but you're not protecting yourself either. Come with us, and we'll defeat the humans."

Min-hyuk smirked, "Or are you too 'human' to join us now? Either way, the humans won't listen to you and kill you on the spot." I just stood there glaring at my two cousins. "Your choice" Beom-seok said as he and Min-hyuk walked off.

Why does this have to happen?

A/N: Hello! Sorry this is too short of an update but I'd rather have just a little bit of this story out before I leave to Asia! I need to leave for some private reasons so I had the need to write another part of the story. I'll be gone for a month so I won't have any contact with the internet which makes it a slight chance I'll update within the next month like I try to. Hope you readers are enjoying this story and I'll see you some time or another!

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