Chapter Four: Threats

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A/N: You can call the members by their real name if you'd like, I just like to put down their stage names as of right now. I will possibly change BTS' stage names into their real names, who knows! Anyhow, enjoy reading!

How crazy can these guys get?! J-Hope literally just danced to some girl band again, Jungkook is walking with handstands, V is waving his arms in this air making alien noises, and Jimin... Jimin is just recording Jungkook, for BangTan Bomb? Maybe.

Jin and Rap Monster seem to be getting ready for going out somewhere, the members must be hitting the road later as I'm having a feeling. Suga? Oh, getting ready as well.

Meanwhile, I'm just standing here just watching them. It's not too bad, it's quite funny watching them honestly. Nice entertainment I guess I could say. Better than just watching them going nothing and being mature. Then again, what kind of Korean Pop group isn't immature in some way.

"Okay! Ready to go!" said as what I assume to be one of the makeup artists. All of the members stood up and walked out, of course I had to follow as comfortable as I already was. BTS headedto a large black van that could fit, well, let's say many people since I don't have a will to count. I get into the passenger seat while BTS sat in the back seeming like they're having a nice time bonding, of course they are, they all love each other! How human...

We later stopped at a building. Oh? Are they recording something for a show? Okay whatever. BTS and I head inside and it looks to be a recording for a radio talk show with cameras all around. Grand, this is going to be loooong time... Guess I should just look up random articles about stuff on my phone.


"Okay almost done with the talk show!" said the host. Finally, thank goodness. "Ah man, the time felt so short!" exclaimed J-Hope. The other members, along with the host, agreed. "So, I want to talk about a recent issue around here in Seoul," the host started out, "there's been rumors about some beast roaming around." Hm? This sounds interesting.

"Oh yeah! Some people claim that the beast is a vampire or something right?" V said. Wait, what? The host gave a simple yes and continued. "So some ARMYs are wondering, what are your thoughts on vampires and this possible problem here in Seoul?" Multiple answers came.

"It's fake."

"But what if it's true!"

"It's just a rumor, don't be stupid."

"As much as I believe that vampires are pretty cool, why would there be a rumor about them? I mean, they're just a fantasy right?" You're wrong.

"Not as what bystanders have said." Bystanders? "People in the public spot humans having two bite marks on their necks in alleyways, dark corners, or any other place that could make a victim not seen." How much do people know? Shit, I'm getting on edge.

"Whoa, how scary," stated Jimin. Yeah...

"Well, time to eat some garlic," V joked. That won't work.

Jungkook turned to Jin, "Mom, start putting garlic in our foods!" Seriously?

"I already do on some of our dishes!"

"Ah okay then." If only I can tell them it won't work to keep away the vampires. Wait, two things. One, why do humans even believe that we don't like garlic, that's just stupid. Two, who are the vampires doing this? I know I'm not the predator that's suspected and left evidence, I make sure my prey is died. Right?

"Either way, vampires are bad cause. Why do they even exist in these rumors? Vampires might not even be real. This is all a phony with crazy people doing some random crap," Suga finally said.

I turn my head down, clench my fists, and bite my lip. I can't say anything. Don't say anything (Y/N). Why do you even care what they say? Because you yourself is actually a vampire? Bullshit, you're human now.

"But anyhow, there's an organization being prepared to hunt down the cause of this. Although people may think that making an organization to hunt down this case is stupid, the police is saying that making this organization is not being over dramatic. This case is being serious and the death from those who have those two fang marks are rising each night." BTS say 'yes' in understanding of this situation of the news the host gave to them.

"So, those are your opinions I see." the host said to break the tension. "Well, that's the end of this talk, we'll see you all later!" BTS say their goodbye's and the recording ends. Even though the conversation has ended, why do I feel this like this... Like my whole body is shaking?

A/N: Hope you enjoyed this chapter~!

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