Chapter Thirteen: Memories

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Suga's POV

I ranted on and on about Nabi and me. I told (Y/N) how I somehow managed to cope with her sudden tragic death.

A car crash. That's all it took to take an amazing girl like Nabi out of this world. She was everything to me. I had very few close friends at the time, but she was special.

Somehow her bright personality would cause my frown to go upside-down. She did the same for others around her.

A ball of sunshine, one would say, but difficult to come across by. Beautiful to look at, but hard to catch-- just as her name would apply. A delicious apple high in the tree where she can barely be obtained, but only if one tries. I felt like she was so rare in this world. How was I able to make a friend like her?

But, the sun comes down eventually and she left. Nabi was gone physically, but I still hold her in my heart. I know she won't leave, I promised I'll always remember her. She is in a better place, people would tell me. And for some reason, that fact made me feel at ease.

Who knows if she really is at a better place. But looking at the girl she was, she was an angel in my eyes.

At a young age, whenever I looked at Nabi, I could tell she was going to be breathe-takingly gorgeous when she became an adult. I wanted to ask her to marry me, but I always thought about you needed a ring first before the proposal.

One day, my family and I happened to come across a candy shopped. My older brother wanted to see what was on store for a few minutes and my parents obliged. I went into the store, thinking about Nabi as usual.

Then, I look up to see a ring that had a giant bubblegum as its center piece. I instantly asked my parents if I can have one, to which Mother and Father seemed confused.

"Why would you want a ring with that big of a bubblegum, sweetheart?" Mother asked.

"It's for Nabi! I wanna ask her to marry me!"

Once the words came out of my mouth, my mother immediately held back her laughter. I know my thinking was quite stupid, but hey that's how one proposes right? All the adults knew I really liked Nabi, and that she possibly felt the same way. We were only about eleven years old, but I was in for it.

"Okay. Dear," Mom called out to father. Dad left my elder brother and came walking to his wife's side, giving her a questioning look, "Let's buy this ring."

"Hm?" My mother then leaned into her lover's ear and whispered something that made him smile.

"Looks like this little boy here is growing up," he ruffled my hair as he laughed. "Alright, let's get a gum ring," he then called to my older brother who was holding a bag full of candy. He bought our desired candies and we left the store.


My mother shook my shoulder gently, "Get up sweetie, it's time for school," I immediately open my eyes and jump out of my bed. At this action, Mom was taken by surprised but left the room with a giggle, "Seems like someone is excited today."

I'm going to propose to Nabi today. It's a Monday. Nobody really likes Monday, but this time is different. I get to see Nabi and give her a ring to ask her to marry me!

I head to school with a smile on my face, holding the ring with upmost importance and care. I wait at the entryway of the school for Nabi. She did usually come late with traffic, but I was willing to wait for her as long as she needed.

But, the bell rang signalling for every student to get to class. I was confused. So confused. Nabi should've been here by now. However, I shrug my shoulders and put the ring carefully in my pocket.

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