Chapter Fifteen: Hungry

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A/N: Well look who's decided to drop a bomb. THANK YOU SO MUCH  TO  THE 108 PEOPLE WHO FOLLOW THE TRASH THAT I AM

Also, bold will represent Beom-seok and underline will be Min-hyuk :3 ((you'll get what I mean later))


It's finally a new year all around the globe. Hurray hurray. So basically I am one year older so I guess that's okay? I'll be honest, looking at American's way of aging kinda makes sense. They count by the years they've been in the world, not including when they were in their mother's stomach. Especially since they don't count the new year included to their birthday? UGH AGING IS SO CONFUSING.

Anyhow, back to what I'm doing at the moment, just going to see BTS film an advertisement. Nothing unusual, I personally find it pretty interesting. As some members were getting ready for the next scene, Jin and V were acting their parts.

My eyes managed to wander towards Suga. Almost two months huh? Hang in there (Y/N). No worries, that man you ate before was likely to last for a long time. But then again, for someone who wants to become human like me, of course I'm going to get worried about if my last meal was efficient. Not to mention, I don't want to scare Suga too much.

Before I know it, the director yells that it's a wrap for this scenery and it's onto the next one. We move locations which is at a small, nearby park full of trees and just perfect for privacy and relaxing.

"(Y/N)!" I turn around to face the manager.

"Yes boss?"

"I was wondering, how's working with the boys? Doin' okay?"

"Yes sir, they always seem to be having a lot of fun."

"Indeed they do, I'm glad they're healthy. But how about you? Again, you're not pushing yourself too much?"

"No not at all." Am I? Do I look like I'm pushing myself?

"Oh alright, just make sure you get your rest and eat well, I wouldn't want you to fall ill."

"Thank you, sir." My boss nods and leaves to talk more to the director. I can't help but sigh and worry. Do I look sick? Maybe I really am just tired, I'm a bit fatigue every once in a while but the period fades quickly and I'm able to move again. Talk about the quirks of being... them.

Rap Monster walks up to me after finishing getting ready. "(Y/N), are you alright?"

"Yes, I'm fine." Second time getting asked that today, do I really look that sick?

"Oh okay, just checking since you seem a bit tired. Just know there's such a thing as taking a sick day off," Namjoon smiles. He walks off and the cameras get ready.

I continue watching everyone do their parts when suddenly... things get a bit... blurry...

And then it's all black.


I open my eyes to a bright white ceiling. Ugh, I feel so lousy. I get up on my elbows and look around the room. The first thing I notice is the pain on my left wrist. I glance down and see an IV. I wonder if this even actually helps me. I start looking around the room. A... hospital? Why? When? How?

I look at the clock and read that it's 13:55. How long was I asleep? I look to my right and see my phone and a bouquet of flowers held by a side table.

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