Chapter Ten: Promise

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A/N: SURPRISE UPDATE. Since I felt bad for random updates and deleting chapter six :3

I love your comments on the last chapter oh my goodness XD One of y'all said you were Muppet, someone said they were a fish, others said they're a big BTS fan and I can go on with what you guys said you were. You readers are just too good 😂 Welp, enjoy this chapter!

I stared at Suga with horror. He knows, he's going to hurt me. He's going to report me to the Organization and kill me... No, I want to be human. Please...

Suga took a step closer to me, I flinched. I'm standing completely still, I'm so scared. Please don't hurt me...

Suga took another step towards me, I'm starting to back away. Should I run? What am I saying?! I need to run!

Suga takes another step, I fall. I'm done for aren't I? Hehe... I'm such an idiot for thinking I could be human. Suga kneels down to my level and looks me in the eye. I look back into his deep, dark brown black eyes. Somehow, why do they remind me of those? Oh no... Is he, actually one of them?

Suga leans into my face. I squeeze my eyes shut. I'm dead for sure. It's all over. Everything is over. I'm done. I'm dead.

Suddenly, I feel a hand on my cheek. Huh? I open my eyes slightly and see Suga looking at me with what seems to be a sad look. I widen my eyes with shock. We stare at each other for what seems like an eternity. It wasn't awkward, but it wasn't too comfortable either. In the next second, I never would expect for Min Suga to do such a thing in this intense moment.

He held me. He just held me. It felt, I don't even know this feeling. It's not safety, not in heart-throbbing, maybe just a feeling of surprise. After a long while, I hear a mumble on my right ear, "I'm sorry (Y/N). I never knew about this happening to your... Species. Maybe you're not as bad as us humans thought you were. I'm sorry about your parents, I never would've guessed that happening to you."

The man holding me squeezed me more tightly. Before I know it, the tears fall out my eyes. He's not hurting me. But instead he's sorry for me. How? Why? He's not supposed to be sorry, he's supposed to despise me and want to kill me right? So why, is he so kind. Eventually, I'm hugging back Suga and start sobbing. Why the fuck am I such a wimp?

When I finally stop crying, Suga backs away and hold my face. He stares at me, no real expression, he was just staring. I stared back. The man before me rubbed my still tear-stained cheeks every few minutes. Then, Suga finally announces, "You should get inside. It's getting late." I take in this moment for a little while longer and finally nod.

We head back inside the dorm with Suga's arm around my shoulder.


Suga puts me down onto my bed and covers me up with my blankets. He's about to head out the door until I shoot up from my bed. "Wait," my actions and the words come out of my mouth before I know it. "Stay with me until I fall asleep?" I ask, or otherwise whisper.

Suga stands there for a moment of thinking. Before long, he comes to lay down next to me. "You ask too much," he mumbles. "I'm sorry," I apologize. He smiles, "You're really vampire though? You're not like the ones in the stories," I look away and stay silent.

"Well, I have something to say," I cast my attention to him again. He looks me dead in the eye, "I'll protect you and keep your secret." My eyes widen. "I'll repeat myself as many times as needed. You want to be human? I'll make you feel human. I'll say that you're human, I'll treat you like a human. That's all you wanted right?"

I take in this time period a while longer. Stop being so caring to me. Are you lying to me? "(Y/N), I'm not lying to you. I'm being honest here. I trust you, since you give off that feeling of trust. So how about we create a promise," he holds out his pinky.

I glance at his pinky then and him. He's serious. I trust him completely now but why? Why would he help me? I finally grab his little finger within mine, "I, Min Suga, promise and hold dear to the fact that I will protect you, (L/N) (Y/N), at all cost along with keeping your secret from any other soul," we then touch our thumbs together to seal our promise.

"Thank you, Suga," I mumble as I drift off to sleep. I'm almost off to dream land when I feel Suga bump his head onto my forehead. He said no words at all and maybe none were needed. I know I sound like an idiot but I want this point in time to last forever. But no doubt, the thought of why Suga would do this leaves me to question everything about him.

And then an idea hits me hard-- I can't help but feel empty from this thought but now I'm wide awake again. Is Suga actually planning to stab me in the back and kill me eventually?

A/N: I feel like I tease you readers too much XD But I'll try my best to write actual chapters in this story. Because I'll be on Asia for a while maybe I'll be more chances of literally writing the plot instead of doing other things ^^

How about I put a separate book for any updates of mine? Either it be about my life or my books but how about it? Should I make a different book when I make updates about my stories? It's up to you guys if you want me to include my life in that update book but anyhow, enough of ranting, what do you readers think? :3

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