Chapter Eighteen: Offering

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A/N: Mention of blood, just wanted to warn that! I should really fix up this fanfic with warnings >_>;;;

We all eventually head back home, completely tired but I have a feeling all of us are satisfied with what we got done today. I don't do much except giving the boys water and food when they need it but overall nothing much. Even so, the notice that I will be in charge scheduling for the boys is bound to keep me busy.

Ugh, I still don't feel the best. The boys open the dorm room and all head inside. Each of them said their goodnight's and went off to their respective rooms. I go inside my own as well, completely ready to fall into my comfy bed. I change into my pajamas, turn on the night light, and go into the sheets only to receive a notification from my phone on my bedside table, making an even louder sound as it vibrated.

What now?  I just wanna sleep. I take my phone and turn it on to peak at who had sent a message. Huh? Minhyuk? I'm now wide awake, I haven't really talked to my cousins in a while and it's rare that it's Minhyuk who initiates the conversation... I immediately read what he says,

Come downstairs. I |
need to give you |
something. |

Crap. I jump out of bed and take a hoodie out of one of the boxes. I take my phone again and text my cousins for once,

| I'll be right down. Just
| give me a few minutes

I need to wait for the boys to fall asleep, I'm sure it'll be fine if I'm quiet enough, but I'd rather be safe than sorry. I sit on my bed watching time go by on my phone as I just play some games. I realize fifteen minutes, wait no, twenty? Oops, sorry Minhyuk...

I ever so silently open the door and practically tiptoe my way to the kitchen. I take the keys off the counter and open the front to head downstairs. I rush into the elevator and watch the numbers degrade to the first floor. Kinda reminds me of when Yoongi and I were in the elevator that one time... wow that was an awkward meeting looking back oh gosh...

I hear the elevator signal I'm on the ground floor and head right out to the alley I know my cousin is at. Jamming my hands into my hoodie pockets, I see Minhyuk is doing the same with one hand out to look at his phone.

Once he hears my footsteps, he puts away his phone and turns to give me an immediate hug. I'm a bit surprised but return the sweet hold. It's been so long since we've hugged like this.

"I'm glad you're alright (Y/N)," he whispers. I can't help but smile and hold him tighter.

"Where Beomseok?" I ask as we finally separate and face each other.

"He's at home, binge eating." I froze, binge eating?

"Now, it's not what you think (Y/N), check this out," Minhyuk pulls out a package of blood from his hoodie. What the fuck?

Minhyuk grins, "Looks good right? It'll last you for a while too," he brings the blood closer and I can't help but back away. My cousin quickly frowns, "C'mon cuz, you gotta take it. Beomseok and I managed to get some on our hands through Father's work," he grabs my hand to put the blood into my hands, "please." He sounds so desperate but I can't, I shouldn't, I won't, I will not do it. I shake my head with these thoughts overlapping Minhyuk's pleads.

I seemed to have let my body take over since before I knew it, I saw the package of blood still in its container fall onto the concrete with a sound. The liquid sounds so good oh my god. I can't. No (Y/N). Stop it. Don't you dare. Stop it, you little—

"(Y/N)." Dont do it (Y/N), you can't. Minhyuk I'm sorry... Don't do it. Don't do it. Don't do it. Don't do it. Don't do it. Don't do it. Don't— Before I know it, tears are coming down. When was the last time I cried?

"Hey now, it's okay. I know it's hard but you need to take it. I beg you (Y/N) you need this. Please, I don't want you to suffer like this. I'll give you more when you need it, you don't have to kill anymore. We have a huge supply of packages like these, the people who have the blood did it willingly, I promise." I look up at a blurry Minhyuk, willingly?

"Yes, the people did it willingly, they chose to give their blood so please have it." I stare at the blood again. He's right, it can last me for a while...

I hesitantly take the plastic baggage, it looks so delicious fuck...

"Open the top part of the screw and drink it like that disgusting juice human drink from, okay?" My cousin laughs, I do as he says and scent of fresh blood hits my nose. Holy shit.

Before I know it, I made a mess on my hoodie and blood is dripping down my mouth to which I licked off. Oh my god I drank...

"(Y/N), listen to me. I'm glad you drank, you're looking better already," I stare at my cousin. He has a smile of full relief yet still a hint of sadness, his eyes read that he's happy that I took up his offer but... there seems to be regret? There's silence between us, giving a chance to let reality sink in of what just happened and return back to what is now.

"I should be heading back," I finally manage to say. I realize I feel much stronger, so much healthier, I don't know if I can sleep from the energy surging up in my veins. But I can't, I need to sleep. I turn around only for Minhyuk to grab my hand, "Wanna go for a run?"

I smirk, "Like the old days? I swear you always get a cheating head start."

"I can let you get the head start this time, you're having an adrenaline rush aren't you?"

I shook my head, "No way."

Minhyuk grins, that's not a good smirk...

"Head start for me then!" Minhyuk says as he's already speeding down the block.

Oh heck no. I start running after him, laughing and somehow feeling the happiest I've felt in a while.

A/N: As promised, here is an update before / at the end of March ;D Aaaahhh it feel so good writing about Minhyuk! Your other dorky cousin, Beomseok, is coming soon as well so don't worry! ((Tbh I miss Beomseok and I know they're minor characters that I created + let you guys imagine their appearance but I love them so much and trust me, they'll turn into major characters soon *wink wonk*))

Hope you enjoyed this chapter! See you in nineteen! ^U^

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