Chapter Eight: Nightmare

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A/N: So, I was bored and decided to make a collage. And then suddenly I wake to my senses again and see that I made a Suga collage. WHAT HAS THIS IDIOT DONE TO ME. Anyhow, enjoy this chapter :3

I followed the plan that Suga and I discussed, still wondering if he really is a kind person or a rude man. When night fell, Suga came to pick me up so we could head to the dorms. The ride was silent, and to be honest I wasn't sure whether it was a comfortable silence or an uncomfortable one. Whatever.

Once I get into the dorm, I'm sprayed with confetti and booms left and right.

"Welcome (Y/N)~!"

"We hope you enjoy your stay here."

"Make yourself at home since, you know, this will be your home from now on until the vampire situation dies down."

I hear a hitting noise among the members, "Yah, don't remind her!"

Suga just sighed behind me, "I thought we said that we won't throw a party," he said glaring at his house mates. "Suga, you need to listen better. We said 'we will throw a party', not 'we won't throw a party'," Rap Monster spoke, emphasizing the 'will' and 'won't'. "Now let's get this party going!" V exclaimed along with Jimin, Jungkook, and J-hope yelling with excitement.


It wasn't until around eleven that Jin, as a mother he is, told his children to go to bed. I had to admit, it was fun getting to know the members. Heck, I even managed to get on my crazy side and be weird with them; it really was great.

After a short tour of the dorm, I found out that the members had already prepared a room for me which left me surprised since, well, the dorm looked big enough for seven people but now eight people seemed to be a squeeze. The members reassured me that this wasn't a problem at all and carried my bags into my new room.

I started unpacking the things I needed for the night until I realized something, I forgot my night light. SHIT. What am I supposed to do? I don't want to sleep alone in the dark if I don't have some source of light... I hate having stupid, useless fears. Fuck.

Suddenly I hear a knock on my open door and, being startled, I jumped and let out a little yelp. I turn to see Rap Monster at the door saying he wanted to check up on me to see if I was alright. These boys are too sweet, well maybe not Suga, but I guess he can also be a nice guy sometimes.

I nodded at the man, "Yes, I'm alright," and he let out a little chuckle. "Sorry I scared you, didn't know that the knocking of wood could make a girl jump." I playfully glared at him with a smirk on my face and put on a horrible helpless girl impression, "Oh dear, what ever am I supposed to do? I, a helpless girl, am so scared by the knocking on wood! Oh save me!" I said. Rap Monster continued laughing at my impersonation.

"Well good night Y/N," the man said as he closed my door. Before I know it, embarrassing words escape my mouth, "Wait! Leave the door open!" Rap Monster turns around a bit confused, but shrugs it off and opens the door a bit wider for my comfort. I mumble a thank you and Rap Monster leaves. I hope they keep the hallway lights on.

I sigh. Fuck fears. I continue to get ready for bed and roll into my new bed, and start to stare at my new ceiling. How long will I have to be in hiding? I hope it not too long or at least not long enough for the boys to possibly get in trouble somehow. I close my eyes hoping to fall asleep eventually.


I'm here again? I think as I look around my familiar home at my parent's place. "Mom! Dad?" I call as I walk around the house and look for them. Why is everything so big and tall? I mean I know I am short but, am I a kid or something?

As I continue to search I hear a loud bang on the door. By instinct, I run and hide underneath the living room couch. Before I know it there's a loud crash of the door and feet stomping all over the place.

"TELL US WHERE YOUR KIND IS. WE KNOW YOU HAVE A KID SOMEWHERE, WHERE IS SHE?!" a voice boomed making me shake in fear under the couch. "Like we'll tell you, you motherfucker," my dad said in an angry tone. What's going on?

I hear more scary sounds and then I see my father on the floor, struggling against some wooden spike. Then my dad turns his head towards the couch where I'm hiding. He looks shocked about how I'm here, as though it's a reminder I'm seeing something that will end tragically. No, don't look here. Fight! At the end of my thought, the spike goes though him and blood is seeping out of his chest and under his back in a bright red pool. My mind is practically blank, "My father is dead" is my only thought. Mommy always told me that Daddy was the strongest vampire, but... Maybe not today.

I hear my mom cry in distress, the strangers ask my mom now, "Where is your kind?" My mom sobs but does not answer the question. "Tell us or we'll kill you and look for your daughter ourselves!" My mother continues to yell about how she will not answer the questions. I know she is very stubborn, Daddy always said that to me with a smile on his face. I know that she will not answer a thing about what the men are asking.

There is more screaming and sobbing when all of a sudden, it's mute. I look straight ahead again at my father, he's turning into dust. There's more silence as I see my father only having the remains of blood and clothing. "I see that there is more to vampires than we know," one of the men say.

"We thought we should've taken the child to prove that vampires exist and maybe experiment on her," a pair of feet turn to my mother, "I wonder now, do you have anything to offer, blood-sucker?" My mother finally replies, "I propose a deal. Take me instead and you leave my daughter alone." More silence is filled until I hear what I assume is the lead man snap his fingers. I see feet now going away and leaving the house.

I crawl out of my hiding spot to my father who is now only dust. I now notice that I've been crying and continue to stare at Daddy's remains. I'm alone. I'm really alone.


I jump up from my bed and fall off. No, not that nightmare again. Through blurry vision, I look at my clock to see it almost five in the morning. I wipe my tears and go to the bathroom to wash up. I'm too upset to even care about the pain on my butt. When I get to the bathroom I see that the door is locked. Huh? Someone is up this early?

The door opens and I see Jungkook in a face mask. Okay, hello... I smile at Jungkook and say my good morning to him. In return, Jungkook smiles and says his good morning. I walk past him and wash my face. I suddenly feel like Jungkook is watching me so I turn and face him as I dry my face with a towel. "Are you okay (Y/N)? You don't look too good." I shake my hands in denial and say that I'm fine. I put down my towel,walk past him again, and go back to my room. I hope he didn't get a hint that I wasn't alright at all. Please don't know.

A/N: Aaaaaand finally an update! Some parts of the story are inspired by, I guess you could say, me. Hehe~! I'm sorry that this update was really late, I've been busy and tired lately ((especially with babysitting ;-;)) Anyway, thank you for reading~!

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