Chapter Sixteen: Alone with You

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"She needs a bit more rest, doesn't she?"
"Shush you might wake her!"

I'm already awake I just can't open my eyelids-- why does it feel like lead or something?

"Aish just leave us alone for a while, I need to talk to her about something."

"Hyung, she's not dying she just fainted from exhaustion and not eating. Most likely since she's pretty busy and doesn't eat much which is concerning. But thankfully she's alright... right?"

"No, I really do have to talk to her about something that's just between us please?"

"Guys let's just leave them for a while until he thinks it's comfortable for us to enter into the room." I hear a few words of complaints as footsteps seem to walk out. Once it's quiet again I sense a presence, likely to be him.

I hear a chair dragged as quietly as possible followed by a bit of a dip of the bed on my right. I don't attempt to open my eyes just yet, I'm still pretty tired honestly.

"(Y/N)? Are you there?" The raspy voice asks.

I grumble to show signs I am waking up but not quite. "I guess you're still sleepy huh? I'll wait." I listen for more movement of Yoongi who seems to be pulling out his phone from his back pocket hence the creaking of the chair.

"You know you've been in the hospital for a whole day, right?" I don't respond and just continue listening. The machine continues its business with whirring and beeps.

"Please get your rest (Y/N), I'm glad you're getting it now but how or why you managed to faint is beyond me." There's a moment of silence, "Is there a proper reason why you fainted and not just from exhaustion?"

At this moment I really do want to open my eyes so I try my best to open them. I succeed a little but gain blurry vision instead. "Take your time (Y/N)."

It's a while until I'm finally able to fully open my eyes. It's bright, there's the beeping noises from the machine on my left, there's Suga to the right of me on the bed leaning on it with his right arm. "Good to have you back, (Y/N). Are you alright?"

I blink. Am I okay? I haven't drink since about so many months ago. I already forgot how long since my brain is kinda fuzzy but it'll come back to me, hopefully. I try to talk, but I don't seem to the voice nor energy to bring back my voice. Yoongi sighs, "I should just stop asking questions, you are a sick person after all. Sorry I woke you up." I feel his big hand rub my head as an apology. This petting of his ends up really relaxing me and going on longer than it needed to be, ah man I think I'm going to go back to sleep already.

"If you don't have the energy to get up, just rest once more (Y/N). Good job working hard." I somehow end up going back to sleep I think, as Yoongi continues talking me to sleep and giving me empty praises to lull me into darkness once more.


I'm finally out of that hospital. I'm still tired and hungry I need to find some blood soon. The boys were nice enough to send me flowers as often as they can even with their busy schedule. Some of them including a little note in the bouquets saying they miss me and hope I get well soon. Well I'll get well again when I get back some blood into my system.

I hate feeling this weak, I truly do. Apparently we're going to this field area outside of Seoul where the boys will be shooting a new music video. I watched the land quickly go by as the van moved along. This was truly calming somehow, maybe it was the simple greenery or the occasional trucks and cars that passed by going into Seoul. Eventually we made it into a flat, light green land. The air was so refreshing and it made my mood better than it was since I was still lightheaded. My body and mind were said to be good and healthy for the doctors, no doubt the food they gave was just sickening. Makes me wanna puke just remembering how gross it tasted. I wonder if hospital food is even good for human taste buds.

The staff and I started setting up with cameras and snacks while the boys were in a van getting ready with their outfits and makeup. I looked around staring at the plain, yet beautiful scenery. It gave me a sense of calmness and I gradually felt myself feel much better from the ride and sickness. No doubt, blood will really do me well right now. I know I shouldn't even be thinking such things as needing blood as I want to become more human but...

"(Y/N)!" I turn around to fave Taehyung who had finished getting ready. His box smile really suited his gelled down hair with bangs covering part of his eyes. "We're finished setting up, what's next?"

"Oh we just start our business in front of the cameras. Since we never know what could happen during a shooting we have lots of time. Come over here I'll show you the cameras!"

He practically almost runs over to the cameras almost excitedly like a child. Pfft, wow, didn't know some man in his 20's gets this excited to show something. He stops and holds one of the bigger cameras gently as to not cause harm to it then turns to me with a big grin.

"Look! Look!" I go over to where Taehyung is and glance at the screen viewing the green land. He jumps to the front of the camera and waves with both hands towards the lenses, "Hello~" I can't help but giggle, "Hello!" Taehyung laughs too as he pulls away from the camera to face me again.

"Are you alright? Y'know coming back from the hospital this morning and all." I nod, "Yes I'm fine, lightheaded, but alright." Before Taehyung can answer, he is disturbed by clapping by one of the producers, "Alright, starting in 5 minutes! Please start getting ready in your respective position of the set."

I start heading out towards the side of all the cameras but Taehyung stops me, "Yoongi-hyung wanted to talk to you about something, I can't help but wonder what it was, can you tell me?"
I almost immediately shook my head, "We didn't really talk, I was too tired to speak, or rather I didn't have my voice just yet. It was Yoongi who did the talking, saying that I did well on my job and about taking care of my health. By the way, thank you for the bouquets. They were very beautiful." Taehyung nods repeatedly, "Oh, I see..." Why does he sound suspicious, and what's with that grin??

"Okay, I should get back on the set, see you (Y/N)!" He walks over to where he will be in the choreography, some of the members talking and joking around. The boys did send those bouquets right?

A/N: *rolls in with new BTS merchandise and AVaaW drafts* ... Oh hi! How long has it been? Almost a year?? Gosh welp I'm sorry I left you guys hanging for that long!

This story was always on my mind almost every single day so I have a lot of drafts up in the works but for now I'll publish this one since I legit left you guys in a hospital and never returned for 11 months to be exact >.>;;;

I really am truly sorry for this wait but now I'll be back full on with the updates! Once again they'll have to be monthly since not only do I have the work of a high schooler— I have auditions for a talent show coming up... on my birthday haha rip :,) So here's the update for AVAAW and I'll be also posting for the Hogwarts AU soon ^^ Until then, make sure to keep warm and eat well with lots of rest ❤️ Love y'all! *mwah*

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