Chapter Fourteen: White Christmas [SPECIAL]

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A/N: FUCK SUGA OMFG YOU CLUMSY MOTHER FLIPPER ARE YOU OKAY JFC WHEN I HEARD ABOUT HIS EAR SURGERY I FLIPPED MY SHIT ((I didn't know it was ear I only read surgery buT I'M STILL SCARED)) JUST FUUUU CJWKOSBXJAKA Well, if he's okay then I'm okay. I just hope that his ear recovers safely.

For those who don't know what I'm talking about ((ssshhh there are some, don't pick on them))-- Suga tripped on a door or something, hit his chin, somehow effected his ear and had to go into surgery for it. Now he will have to rest for a week and be unable to attend practices and performances. ((Seriously jfc, please be careful. A lot of fans worry for you idiot =^=))

ALSO, since this is a special I put in tons of author notes here and there. Ehehehe... but the next chapter has no author notes so you can look at that instead!!


Your P.O.V

Christmas was just around the corner and you know what that means?

No, not Black Friday although yes that is true. Me personally, I've never been to Black Friday, what's it like??

But for me, it means people are in more jolly and annoying moods. Lights are hung all over the city, mainly red and green ones but there were some other colors to brighten spirits into the Christmas. I have to admit, it's quite pretty. I enjoy this time of year only for the lights.

However, you know what else sucks? It's so fucking freezing my nose and ears are gonna fall off.

Sure, BTS had a comeback a few months ago making their schedule still very busy, but we still had to move around somehow and have to be outside for a while. Fucking winter. At least the boys get picked up from their dorm into a nice, heated car so I guess maybe it's not too bad? Yeah, maybe.

Anyhow, going back to right now the boys are heading home. No not the dorm, their actual homes... Their families that will be waiting for them, ready to hold them tight out of longing to see one another... What kind of feeling does that send off? Family, huh?

There's a sudden vision of my father dying before my eyes for one second. I shake my head. Before then, I did have a family. We only tried to survive, that was it. But humans? They took that away from me. They took away everything I knew. Everything. I was only a child, what does a child mainly have that they're bound to love dearly? Family.

"(Y/N), are you alright?" I'm out of my gaze and look up at Suga.

"You seem out of it today. Sad that BTS is leaving to see their families?"

I shake my head, "Not exactly."

Suga hums, "Well, I'm not visiting my parents if that makes you feel better." I turn my head quickly towards him in shock.


Yoongi shrugs, "Not exactly feeling like they'd want to see me. Otherwise not sure if they're ready to see me." I decide not to push since it seemed pretty personal. We stay silent as BTS continues to the last of their business before the holidays.


"Bye bye (Y/N), Merry Christmas and Happy New Year's!" said Jimin as he waved at me as he got into the car.

"Merry Christmas (Y/N)! Don't open the gifts until Christmas Eve! Okay?~" I nod to Taehyung.

"Wish you a Merry Christmas!" J-hope screamed as he past by me holding his luggage only after letting out a strange sound that only he could make.

"We're coming back for New Year's anyway you guys," I hear a voice.behind me. I suddenly feel a pat on my shoulder and turn around to meet Jin's smile, "Merry Christmas (Y/N)," Jin continues to walk to his taxi and I shake my hand aa farewell.

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