The Gig

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I go to my mailbox to take out some letters and see a little blue flyer inside I open it up:






I shake my head my neighbour wants me to watch him perform tonight? I go upstairs to my house and sit on the sofa can I really go tonight? I got work tomorrow . . . .I'll call in sick. I get some dinner and call Patrice to join me for the gig. That evening i dress up in a navy blue pair of jeans with a white halter neck top and ankle boots I pack my hair up in a neat bun I go downstairs to meet Patrice "oooh-ooo-wee! who are you all dolled up for?" I shake my head "nobody" we get to the club the crowd is a little different this time . . . a younger crowd we go inside and get a drink we stand at the bar bobbing our heads to the soul music playing by a band I bob my head and applause the band after their session. I go next door to the other section again but this rime with Patrice.

We go to the front on the right side of the stage there he is my neighbour stepping onto the stage a few girls next to us scream their heads off. They begin to play  I sway side to side not really enjoying the song they sing two more songs I don't know as he sings he leans out into the crowd holding the microphine and spots me he winks at me I smile.

The gig is over I applaued the band and go back to the bar looking at my watch it's 1AM I shout in Patrice's ear "I need to go home" she nods we go outside "Are you alright getting home by yourself?" I look at Patrice "you're not leaving with me?" she shakes her head "my boyfriend is in the band, I'm going to stay with him tonight" I sigh and scratch my head how can I get home? And I got work tomorrow it's too late for public transport and it's not safe to take a taxi. . . .guess i'll have to walk. . .really fast. I sit on the pavement "Oh Patrice you should have told me from before! how can I get home?" she sit's next to me "you can stay with us and leave in the morning" i bury my head in my hands

 I hear Patrice get up and talking to a guy "this is my friend Denise" I stand up and dust my self i introduce my self to her boyfriend "nice to meet you Denise, my name is Brian" we shake hands just then we hear two guys singing loudly and drunk "those are my band mates Tim and Blast" I nod my head he looks at his girlfriend "babe you ready to go?" she nods then turns to me "you coming?" I look at her "I don't know Patrice, I have to get up really early tomorrow" all the guys huddle around us as unsure of what to do "she can come with me" I turn around and see my neighbour "we live in the same area" he looks at me I get up "yeah. . .yeah" I say "Okay, call me when you get home"  Patrice say's I nod my head as we all say our goodbyes.

We walk down the street "you were great today" I say and look at him hoping he would smile and look at me "Thanks" he says we walk down in silence not sure of what to talk about I want to talk and look at his beautiful face but I don't know what he would say I put my hands in my pocket "you are a teacher right?" he asks I nod my head "yeah it's fun. . . .just the look on the children's face when they have achieved something that you were a part of" I sigh he looks at me and smiles "yeah it's beautiful" he says I catch his gaze he shyly looks away "so where are you from?" he looks at the ground "Japan.. . . i grew up in Japan I moved here when I was 15 and lived with my relatives" i look at him "so you're parents are back home?" he nods "what about you?" he asks "me? i've been here for a a few months I moved here from London, it's nice here I just needed a change to start my life over, I've been in such a long tiring relationship and living my life with the same people." he nods "i need to try something new" He smiles "well, you came to my show, that was something new" he smiles again his beautiful smile that brightened his eyes I could look at him all day.

A cold wind blows past us I hold myself with my blazer he stands in front of me and takes off his scarf then wraps it around my neck I smile "thanks" he smiles and moves my hair from my face he stares at me as if he wants to say something. I smile and look at the ground.He holds my hand as we walk to our building " We all need to try something new every now and then " he says "yeah" I say in agreement up the stairs we stop and stand in the middle "thanks for coming to my show" I smile "next time invite me to a weekend show" he nods "okay i'll make sure next time . . . .maybe we can meet in a quiet place" I  laugh is he asking me out? " okay" I go inside and get ready for bed fogetting that I'm still wearing his scarf I climb into bed and cuddle it.


I wake up to my alarm clock and hit it and run to the shower I take my bath I take my clothes and dress up then put his scarf in the washing machine to wash for 15 minutes. As I  get some breakfast strangley I woke up on time but i'm still tired I finish eating and hang up his scarf i grab my bag and run out of my house I get to the school and run into my class everything is prepared as I planned last week I set out the activities and get ready for my class hours go past lunch time comes all the children went out I sat at my desk thinking about last night. I eat my sandwich and drink my juice the children come back "Miss Howards Miss Howards" my little student wakes me up out of my trance "yes dear" I wake up and realise my class are sitting waiting for me. I put my food away and get started they put their aprons on and begin to paint pictures of houses.

School is over the children run out with some giving me cuddles. I pick up my bag and go to the staff room Patrice walks up to me "you okay?" I nod "you got home okay?" I roll my eyes "yeah" i pick up my bag and leave getting home i get inside and get myself some dinner my door bell rings i open the door and it's my neighbour "hi" he says i smile and greet him "how was work?" i smile "it was fine, come in" i step aside for him to enter i close the door and go inside "are you about to eat?" i nod "yeah care to join me?" I bring out a pot full of noodles and pour it into a bowl.

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