The Party II

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At the party I look around holding my glass of champagne not even feeling like drinking just to look cute for instagram, after our photo sessions I leave the glass on the bar.

I walk around with Hee and my sister as Hee introduces is to Akios bandmates and management team.

I have a good old laugh with his bandmates especially Blast but where the hell is Akio? I keep thinking and looking around but not making it obvious.

As more people pile in it begins to get hot "where is your brother?" I ask Hee "oh he's here, he's somewhere" she says looking around.

I look around the room with her then need to go to the ladies room. I ask Hee if she knows where it is,she directs me to a room upstairs. "Go through here theres a toilet there." I look in the plush office with luxurious furniture and look back at her "isnt there like a public bathroom?"  I ask.

She shrugs her shoulders "my cousin owns this building its alright" she says and shoo's me away I shake my head  and go inside.

After doing my hygiene routine I go to the large table and dig my purse for a moisturiser. I rub my hands and take out my mirror fixing up my make up.

I notice a figure walking down the corridor and then back but not paying attention to it until it opens the door.

As I place everything back in my purse leaning on the table I look up at the figure watching me and knocking on the door.

I look at the figure not sure of what to say or do
Say something! Say something! My mind screams at me as the figure steps closer "Akio!"I say as he walks closer, my body finally calms down enough for me to smile.

"Long time no see" he says as he holds my waist  pulling me in For a tight hug. I calculate his words in my mind  What? Is that all you have to say?

As he let's go he lifts my chin and softly kisses me, my body begins to burn "you look beautiful" he says holding my hands.

He sists next to me on the table, "you've been very busy " I say as he smiles "yeah, very busy I haven't had the chance to knock for you, I go past your place all the time hoping to visit you, but. . . Busy schedule. Its mad, I really miss you."

I nod my head taking in what he said, but at the same time I'm upset. "You still could have left a note or something, even if it was late I would have opened the door for you" he nods "I'm sorry."

He says as he kneels in front of me "Denise, I've lost you too many times I don't want to lose you again" what is he doing?   He holds my hands "Denise, I'm sorry for hurting you, all that I've done just please understand that-" I cut him off "it's okay Akio i understand." He nods.

"I want you to stay with me." I nod my head "I know Akio, but you've got alot of making up to do" he laughs and gets up pulling me up with him "oh that won't be a problem" he pulls me in for a kiss. He whispers in my ear "let's go downstaors" he holds my hand as we leave the room and make our way back to the party.

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