Denise, Denise

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I woke up opening my eyes staring at the ceiling. It's been two years since I haven't seen or heard from Akio  . . . and I'm doing pretty good I look at the sunlight beaming through my window and rub my eyes, it's the middle of July, all the children are on summer holidays  summer is seeping in i climb out and stretch. I go over to my window and spread the curtains then open the window and let the breeze hit my skin. I breathe in and out then go to take my shower.
After my shower and dressed I open my wardrobe and pick up a bag from the floor I begin to start my summer cleaning. Clearing out anything that reminded me of the last year I come across Akio's scarf remembering when he gave it to me I sigh and throw it in the bag. Please i say to myself. After an hour I eat and decide to go out shopping in dress in a pair of ripped jeans and a tank top with a short cardigan I pack my hair in a bun and put my shades on. I leave my house and sit in my new audi car. I put the radio on and start driving my sister calls me i put the hands free on "yo!" She answers in disbelief "hello?" I laugh "yes sis what's up?" I say as I turn the car around to a parking space "where you going? Can you pick me up?" "See you in five" I make my way over to my sisters house my phone buzzes and a name comes up its Aaron and I'm in the mood.
I get to my sister's  house and park then beep the horn "sis!" I shout and she runs out looking at my phone I look at  the text message Aaron sent me my sister climbs in "what you smiling at?"I sigh sweetly and smile " just got a text from Aaron he's meeting me tonight at  my place my sister screws and scratches her head "who's Aaron?. . . . You got a boyfriend and didn't tell me?" I shake my head and start the  car "I don't have to tell you everything" I say while looking at the road "how long has this been going on?" I scratch my head "7 months " she gasps "7 months? And you haven't introduced him to me?. . . I think I liked you better with the rockstar" we get to the shopping centre and I park the car and give my sister a stern look, if only she knew the anger that's boiling in me right now "I'm only going to say this once so listen up good. . . . Don't you ever In your life mention him in my presence do you hear me? My sister  nods in a daze as I leave the car. We go into the  centre and start shopping. After trying on outfits and eating we hard back to the car it's it's a long quiet drive home Aaron has been texting like crazy He can't wait to see me, my sister skips station to station all of a sudden a familiar voice is singing

You are my saviour
The one I need
Im Nothing without you Denise , Denise

I stop the car and stare at the radio he's singing about me I sigh turning  off the radio I freeze not knowing how to process everything . I mean I  do miss him . . . . A little, I miss talking to him and him just laying there listening to me stroking my hair Aaron doesn't do that. But he's still,  a bastard for leaving me.

Ladies and gentlemen please give it up for Akio and the riot squad! *crowds screams* music plays as the drums a d bass kick in the crowd gets louder as the light hits the lead singer his hair over his eyes his green checkered shirt slightly opened holding his guitar he sings and the crowd sing along .

You are my saviour
The one I need
Not much without you Denise , Denise

"That was a good show Akio "my bass player says I nod in agreement my sister bursts through the door "OPPA! " as the security guards follow her in she stands behind me "what's going on ?" One of them out of breath the other a bulky guy stands in front of me "sorry sir, she ran past us at the door I will get her out of your way come on groupie, I told you you wouldn't get a chance" did he just call my sister a groupie.? She steps out still holding my arm" I told you I came to see my brother I'm not a groupie! " the guy goes for her I stand in the middle "okay it obvious that there's a misunderstanding this is my sister leave her alone okay you guys have to leave."  the guy looks at  me and says  " I can see the resemblence now  sorry sir .. . . Sorry madam"  my sister stands in front of me "get out!  I will sue your company" After the show i went to Chill at my sisters house. This a good moment for me and my band, we are touring all over no time to work at the centre now I can show my dad that I am a rockstar.
I haven't  seen  or heard  from Denise in so long! My sister goes to the kitchen the screen lights up the laptop and makes a sound  "sis you got a message" "okay" she shouts I look at her Facebook page and look through her friends I stumble upon Denise wow she's still as beautiful as I remember for some reason I can't stop.

I continue looking at all of her pictures . . . . Who is he?. . . . She never told me she had a brother I see another picture where she has tagged this guy Aaron Jones I click on his name and see that he has a picture of him and Denise cuddling . . . .WHAT! I drop my glass on the ground my sister runs out what's was that? " I point to the screen "did you know that Denise has a boyfriend?" my sister looks up to the screen "yeah so" I look at her "so? " she shrugs her shoulders "well you left her stranded. . . She's moved on Akio . . And so should you" I shake  my head and lay on the couch I can't believe it she's forgotten about me.

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