The Party

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I look through my clothes not sure what to go with, so many outfits but not sure what to choose.

I go through everything looking in the mirror and sending pics to my sister for her advice.

She texts me

That one looks good but they another one.

I sigh and look though the dresses again in my "maybe" pile.

Dress #No.1

Dress #No

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Dress #No.2

I sit on the floor not sure and think what should I wear? My doorbell rings I get up and run to the door and open it

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I sit on the floor not sure and think what should I wear? My doorbell rings I get up and run to the door and open it.

"Have you found a sexy outfit yet?" My sister says as she brushes past me I shake my head and close the door.

"I don't know Jalissa, I want a dress that says look at me not sleep with me!" She laughs as she sets her bags on the sofa, "But you're trying to get your man back right?".

I lead her to my room and show her the dresses "I am but. . .what if he doesn't feel the same way?" My sister slaps my arm "No! Swallow those words and shit them out! No room for doubt Denise! Because when he sees you girl, he's going to drop to his knees! Now let's find that dress."

After searching and snack breaks  I sit in my wardrobe and look at the floor. I look up and see a blue dress hanging on the railing.

The perfect dress, the dress that should make this whole night exciting.

I get up and pull out the dress and lay it on the bed

And grab matching shoes and purse and run into the shower

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And grab matching shoes and purse and run into the shower. 

After a few hours I step out into my living room and Jalissa  gasps " yes sis! That's the one!"

After a few selfies my sister and I head out. We get into her car and make our way there.

At the party, it's a whole fanfare people  everywhere security tight and checking everyone. Jalissa parks the car "thanks for dropping me sis I really app-" she cuts me off "who said that? I came to party!" I come out of her car looking puzzled "I got my ticket last month!" I gasp "why didn't you say anything? You could have bought me one."

Jalissa shakes her head as I slap her arm "and what would you have said if I did? . . .oh I don't know of I want to go? I don't think Akio wants to see me."  She mimicked my voice as we walked to the building.

I sigh and link arms with her "when you see him, just talk to him tell him he looks good and all and you know. . . make small talk." I nod my head.

We get to the building and show them our tickets "looking lovely ladies" one guard says to us.

I go inside and look at the scenery, white walls, white floors with changing neon lights on the ceiling and the ground. 

We walk in and look around the bar is full of people ordering drinks. I look around hoping to catch Akio's eye.

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