Caring Akio

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I take my time eating my ice cream scooping it slowly and letting it melt in my mouth thinking about Brandon how we were in high school all the "babe I will call you back" and the "babe i'm sorry she came on to me" and all the "babe you are the only one for me" all the lies "do you like it?" Akio wakes me out of my trance "yes . . it's nice" I say with a smile I sigh and pick at the ice cream i try to change the subject focus on Akio look at him, i look at his face his eyes his hair falling over his eye. Akio looks up at me ice cream sitting on the corner of his mouth "what?" I smile "you got. . . .something there" I point to his mouth he tries to get it but misses, I grab a tissue and wipe it off "thanks" he says with a smile.

I look at the musical instrument store across the road remembering that Akio plays the guitar "how long have you been playing the guitar?" he put's his spoon down "oh, for years so many years I love it" I nod my head trying to grasp little pieces of this quiet yet, caring neighbour of mine "well, you know I'm a teacher what do you do. . . . for a living" he looks into my eyes his lips curl up into a smile "I'm a rockstar" and bursts into laughter but I'm not amused "no really" I say. Akio looks at me " Yeah I play music. . . .and also volunteer at a youth centre and play for the children there" He likes children my concious screams. We leave the ice cream place and walk home, he tells me about Japan and his sister "you haven't seen her since then?" I ask him as he looks at the ground and nods. I wonder why "you should get in contact with her, I'm user she would love to hear from you" he looks at me " yeah, but since my aunt passed I've lost all contact I can't get to her" I nod my head he has a point there maybe I can think of a way to help him.
We walk upstairs to my door holding hands I look at him "thanks for that" he smiles with his eyes "are you feeling better?" I nod as he smiles "I told you ice cream works . . . what are you doing tomorrow?" iI scratch my head "nothing" he nods "okay I got a gig tomorrow and would love for you to come" he says swaying my hands side to side and smiling I shake my head "come on Denise I will save you a seat in the front row!" he smiles and tilts his head to the side then looks into my eyes he holds my hands together against his chest "please. . . For me?" he looks so cute when he begs his eyes locked with mine His hair covering his right eye I give in "okay" he laughs "yes! it's at that same club but starts at 7" I nod "thanks again Akio" I say he kisses me on my cheek "glad I could help" his face lights up as the words come out of his mouth and smiles. I freeze as I watch him walk to his door I wake up and unlock my door and run inside slamming my door behind me. I slide down with my back against the door. Slowly I'm begging to see little sides of him he's so caring and kind. I go to my room to prepare my outfit for tomorrow.

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