This new life

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I wake up from my bed and look at the clock its 8am. I rub my eyes and look out of the window, not sure what my motivation for the day is.

I sit up in my bed and stretch why don't  you go and knock for Akio? 
Dress in lingerie and  borrow some sugarI ask myself and shake my head I can't do that. He's probably not home.

I climb out of bed and go into the shower after my bath, I dress up in denim shorts and a checked shirt and go to make some breakfast.

It was great bumping into Akio again and that we are neighbours again, as much as I miss him we're different people now.

I don't know if he still has the same feelings for me, I ended everything with Aaron for him. . .Akio should feel something right?

After breakfast I go to do some grocery shopping I climb out of my car and grab a shopping trolley and go inside the store.

This suburban life is a little too quiet for me, I miss the hustle and bustle of the city life here, everybody queues to go into places and try to not get into the way.

I go inside the store and begin to shop for food and cleaning products. I left my teaching job and now run my own tutoring company for alot of rich parents, it's good but some of the children are real brats!

I look around the store and come across Akio's picture on a magazine cover oh Akio. I think to myself and read the article he's doing very well, living the rockstar life he's always wanted I bet his dad is proud of him now.

I read a little advert box

Akio and his band will be holding a listening party at the OXO building Saturday 25th. Tickets are available at

I put the magazine in my trolley and go to pay. At home I sit down reading the article again and booking my ticket. After everything is done I look out of my window  oh what am I going to wear?

I ask myself, because Akio has such a busy schedule I don't know when he's home, I shake my head and finish my glass of wine then head over to my walk in wardrobe to look for outfits.

I said I'm a tutor for rich kids right? When I say these parents pay? These parents pay. And of course with my savings I was able to decorate this house and pay for it.

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