His name is Akio

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We sit on the floor eating the noddles and watching TV "you never told me your name." he says out of the blue I swallow my food "Denise, my name is Denise" he smiles "what's your's?" He looks out of the window as if he is in a trance I look at the window then back at him "hello?!" he snaps out "what?" I laugh at him "what's your name?" i ask again "Akio. . . . my name is Akio" he blurts out and continues to eat what's up with him? "that wasn't so hard now was it? he laughs nervously the news comes on:

Entrepreneur Kwang-Sun Kim has just signed a BUSINESS Deal worth £1.2 million pounds.

Akio jumps up "I have to go" I stand up "okay oh I need to give you your scarf!" I run to my kitchen and grab it as I go back to the living room he's already out of the door what was that about? Why did he just rush out like that? I take the bowl back to the kitchen.


I grabbed his scarf and folded it I leave my house and go to his door I hear him playing his guitar I hit the door again and see that it's not fully closed and step inside slowly I lean on the pillar and watch him standing there by the window playing his guitar just like that night his hair covering his face. I can somehow see the emotion and pain in his face as he plays the slow song he turns around and see's me a smile creeps across his lips. He finishes off I applaud him as he takes his guitar off then lays it down on the floor "thank you thank you" he bows "what can I do for you?" he points to the sofa I sit down as he get''s two bottle of water from the fridge he gives me one and sit's down "oh i wanted to give you this" I give him his scarf "oh thanks" he says taking it "it smells so clean" he looks at me "keep it" he gives it back to me i frown "why?" he smiles "i want you to keep it" silence fills the room I have to know why he ran out the other day "why did you run out that day? you were in a rush" he shakes his head "sorry i didn't mean to,

I had an appointment". We sit in silence I look around his living room T.V mounted on the wall plush black leather sofa and a soft white rug on the ground i slip off my shoes and dig my toes into it. Does he get paid that much to sing in a club? surely that can't be it I see a picture of a little boy on top of the fireplace I get up to take a closer look the boy is dressed in a suit with a little girl sitting next to him. The girl is smiling but the boy's face is straight "is this you?" I look back at him he get's up from the sofa and takes it out of my hand "umm, yeah" he put's it back on the fireplace "you still want to meet up in a quiet place?" he asks "well, it's quiet in here it's just the two of us" he smiles and takes me back to the sofa.

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