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I haven't seen Akio for a long while now I've been knocking on his door for weeks! I peep through my peep hole at night to see if he comes in late but still haven't seen him. I wonder where he is? Monday morning I leave my home and go to work after a long day I go home and message his sister on Facebook maybe she knows where he is? I walk up my stairs and look at his a sign sticking out of the building "for sale" WHAT! What the hell is that? I look through his window why didn't I think of this before? There is nothing there. . . The house is empty I walk back into my home and slump myself on the sofa how could he do this to me? He said he wanted me with him.

Unable to think straight I decide to go for a walk I walk around my neighbourhood looking around the area I smile as I see the musical instrument shop I stare at the red guitar thinking about Akio how well he played how happy he gets on stage and how we met I shake my head remembering what he went through with his father thinking that he probably went back to Korea to find himself and fix the issues of his past.

But whether he has or not he still should have told me! I go home and lay on my sofa my phone rings I pick it's his sister with a message from Facebook

Hi Denise!

Long time no see I am fine thank you.

Akio I haven't seen or heard from him for a few months now.

Last time we spoke he was planning on looking for our mother.

I dint know how that has been going.

Sorry. Hope everything works out. We should catch up sometime! Whenever you're in LA look out for me okay?

Take care xx

I stare at the screen so he has probably gone to Korea and sold his place? I do time being left in the dark like this I put. My phone down and go to bed. Akio I can't believe he just left me without a sign or notice.


I go to a gig and watch a few bands just to still hold in to the memory of Akio I yawn as I am tired and not pleased as the bands don't have the same heart he does in music.

I leave the club early and walk out past the guests the host shouts out on the mic "okay let's give it up for the next band!" The crowd screams so loud that I can't hear the name of the band then a smooth singing voice flows into my ears I try not to turn around I shouldn't . . . . It can't be . . . Fighting myself I turn around I look at the band and realise it was just my imagination I let out a sigh of relief and walk out.

Why did I think that was Akio? I shake my head and make my way home walking past the diner then onto the train to go home. I go to bed thinking that I'm going crazy I have to stop thinking about him.

"So he just left you without telling you?" My sister asks as we walk home together we spent the whole day shopping for clothes for her holiday to France "wow, maybe "he doesn't like you anymore sis" I slap her arm "shut up! That's not the reason" I shake my head my sister laughs at me "well you could never keep a man anyway" I give her a stern look she stands back "I'm joking I'm joking " we get to her car and put her items in ther I take out my bags of clothes since we were shopping I couldn't resist the sales "I will call you when I get to France okay?" I nod as she goes in her car starting her engine "have a safe journey"

I say as she waves she looks back behind her then at me " Denise . . . Take care and take it easy" I look at her funny "sis I'm okay" she nods and drives off why did she say that? As I wave to her I pick up my bags and turn to got to my stairs not looking at the person in front of me I bump into the person "oh sorry!" I say and look up, suddenly I freeze then sigh at the sight of Akio .

I go upstairs to my home and close my door fuming with anger I don't want to hear a word that he has to say. He knocks the door and I hear his crusty voice flowing in "Denise open the door" he knocks again "let me explain! I know you're upset and you have very right to be" I go to my fridge and grab a bottle of juice and drink it while sitting on my sofa "come on Denise!".

For a good 20 minutes he is still out there now he's upset "if you don't open this door I'm going to stay out here until you do" I laugh and say "ha! Good luck!" He knocks again "Denise please!" I look through my window and see the rain has started to pour HEAVILY I can't leave him out there I shake my head fighting with myself I sigh and walk down the hallway I open the door and see him sitting down leaning on my wall with his long legs crossed his wet hood up to cover his wet hair. His long fringe covering his right eye all dripping wet I let out a heavy sigh and open the door wider stretching out my hand to help him stand up he holds my hand and gets up.

Inside I make him a cup of tea and give him a towel Akio dries his hair and wraps it up he sits and the dining table.

I wrap him with a blanket "thanks" he says. I sit opposite him looking at him as he sips his tea and puts the cup on the table.

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