Mind your business

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I stand and wait for Akio to finish packing up. I lean on a little bike stand outside the club looking at the long line of people still trying to get in all of a sudden a roar of screams are at the side of the club all these women screaming "oh my God!" "i love you!" I tilt my head to the side trying to see what's going on a group of guys walk out of the club signing autographs and giving hugs taking pictures. Akio being the tallest of the group is the last one to come out he signs some autographs and hugs a few fans.

I look at my phone it's 1:10am and put it back into my bag he spots me and walks over to me "where were you?" I stand up " I was pushed to the back . . . Rough crowd tonight" he nods " oh. . Sorry about that" he says as he holds my hand he waves to his band as we get going we walk down the road past the noise and sounds of cars beeping Akio stops and looks across the road "breakfast?" I look at him "what? . . .now?" he smiles "yeah come on" he takes me to the little diner I sit in the corner of the diner and yawn Akio comes and sits opposite me and gives me a cup of coffee "mocha?" he says and pushes it in front of me I smile as I look at the little design of a cat on the top "meow Denise" I look at him and laugh. As I look into his eyes the thought of his sister comes to my mind why hasn't he tried to contact her? "where is your sister staying now?" he puts his cup down "why are you asking me that ?" i shrug my shoulders "i don't know . . . just wanted to know i guess" he looks out of the window "I think she is in South Korea. . . i don't know" i nod my head "Hee young was so funny, when we were kids . . . she used to sneak into the kitchen and get me some snacks when mum wasn't looking or if i was sick she would take care of me" he looks down i can see the pain in his face when he talks about his sister at that moment his whole demeanor changed he wasn't smiling anymore . . . i've done something wrong i try to change the subject "it's cold tonight right?" he nods "ready to go?" he nods we get up and leave.

The journey home was a quiet one Akio didn't say a word he just mumbled and sighed I felt bad bringing up his sister as we walk i look at him he looks like he is miles away i hold his hand "are you okay?" i ask him he wakes up "huh? yeah yeah" we get to the stairs and walk up "thanks for coming" he says i smile "i had fun" silence fills the area I look at the ground "i'm going in now" he says he cuddles me i still feel terrible "are you sure yuor'e okay?" I ask him as i lay my head in his chest "yes" he says and faces me "i. . . . I just miss my sister i'm not upset with you" i nod "okay" i stroke his soft face he gives me a little smile and kisses my cheek "goodnight" we part ways and go home. i go in and open my laptop "Hee Young" i say to myself she's a lawyer huh? i should be able to find her i google her name and see a whole list of different ones Hee Young domestic abuse lawyer i look through all the names and come across her i click on her name and see a link



HUH? I click on her picture and read about her she lives in Los Angeles and is really successful let me see

Hee Young Kim

successful Lawyer and has won many cases especially the Jhonson and Firth case. Has a lawfirm in Los Angeles California but before all of this success Kim's upbringing was far from normal "I grew up in Japan my father was very successful and such a great dad too he spent alot of time with me but slowly things began to change. . . " I then click on the linkand i am amazed at what i am reading and seeing the same picture I saw at Akio's is on the website but another picture shows up this man with a gilr and a boy then it hits me Kwang-Sun Kim is Akio father?. . . . .what? I read more of Hee's article she doesn't mention anything about Akio or that she even has a brother is she ashamed of him? Akio's hurt face appears in my head he misses his sister there must be a way i can contact her think think THINK! I look through more articles and search for her on face book i add her and wait for her to reply okay this is the first step i hope she would reply i read he page a status say's "will be in Bishop on Friday. Abuse conferrence at the paladium 11am can't wait!" Oh Snap!"she's coming here! i have to find her and see if Akio will meet her at last..

"YOU DID WHAT?" Akio shouts at me in his house he is not pleased "what's wrong with you? you should mind your business" I stand back "hold up! calm down Akio i was just trying to help after seeing how much you missed your sister i just wanted to help you" he turns away from me "i didn't ask for your help" i sigh now he's mad at me for helping him i put my shoes on and open the door "well she will be in town on Friday holding a press conferrence at the paladium it's up to you if you want to attend or not" I walk out of his place and go on my way. I'm so angry at the way he reacted well i guess i had it coming . . . at the same time i hope he meets up with her.

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