Chapter 2: Unexpected places

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Chorong's POV

I entered the room just in time and took the first empty seat near the window. The science lab was pretty neat. It had white tables and cupboards that stored all the lab equipment and the front of the room had the teacher's large desk and the entire front wall was covered in chalkboard. The room smelt of cleaning detergents with a hint of lavender from the room's air diffuser.

There were potted plants that lined the window that overlooked the football field. From where I was sitting, I could see the cheerleaders practicing near the field and a couple of students walking around. This experience of high school is not so bad.

Someone then cleared their throat behind me, jolting me back to the classroom. I turned my head to face the guy from the bus. This time he didn't wear full black clothing but instead the school uniform, although his uniform looked slightly different.

"Can I help you?" I asked sternly but softly.

He sighed and looked away. 'Okay?' Was all I could think of. Did I do something wrong to offend him? Obviously, I did but I can't seem to figure it out. My sixth sense eventually picked up on the numerous stares coming from all corners of the classroom, everyone was looking at me with a 'uh oh' and an 'i'd hate to be her right now' kind of stare. Yep, I definitely did something wrong.

It appears even the students picked up on it.

"You are in my seat", he says loud enough for everyone in the room to hear. I froze in my seat. What! Really Chorong?! taking someone else's seat on the first day of school. Great, I am so off to a good start. Geez, no need for yelling as well. Rich kids and their attention-seeking skills are beyond this world. Ugh, I'm so clueless and screwed.

"Sorry sorry sorry sorry", I repeated over and over again with my head down. I quickly packed up my books trying to slide them off the desk and into my arms but failed to do so and everything fell onto the floor. Kill me now. Please.

I packed everything, tucking them into my arms before I standing up to move to another desk. Suddenly, a hand was placed on my shoulder. I turned slowly to look into the boy's face.

"Forget it, since you're already here, just sit," he says and takes his seat offering the other seat for me to take next to him. I am so confused and lost but I obliged anyway because there are no empty seats, plus after that embarrassing moment, I don't think anyone would want me to sit next to them anyway. You're such a loser Chorong.

I quietly shifted into the offered seat and very calmly and carefully unpacked my books out of my bag. The teacher walked in and appeared in front of our desk. He was the same teacher from homeroom. Was he also my science teacher? I guess so.

"Welcome to Science class 01 for the year Ms Chororng" he welcomed me and I stood up immediately and bowed. "Thank you," I replied, keeping my head low.

The teacher walked back to the front of the room and wrote his name on the board. "Welcome everyone to a new year. I want to welcome all new students and make aware some classroom expectations and standards. I expect everyone to engage with all given class instructions and activities. Behave yourself everyone, understand?". The class replied, "Yes."

"Now for our first activity, I want you all to face the person sitting next to you and shake their hands," Mr Lee instructing. I turned in my seat to face the boy from the bus. He reflected my movements and stretched his hand out for me to shake it.

I suddenly turned pink from the gesture and very quickly shook his hand and released it. "Congratulations everyone", Mr Lee said. "You have just met your lab partner for the rest of the year".

From the corner of my eye, I could see the boy from the bus shift uncomfortably in his seat. I guess he regrets letting me sit next to him. I do carry a dumfounded aura. Why is he so worked up? I'm the new student here not him. Great, a guy for a lab partner, just my luck. I hope he's smart because I certainly did not want to fail science this year.

"This term you will be given a group assignment with your lab partners and two exams to take involving the topics we will be learning in class this term," Mr Lee explained. I took down these notes in my notebook so I know when to study.

When class ended, I remained in my seat, thinking deep in my doubts and concerns. I felt kind of nervous about having the group assignment with Jimin, the guy from the bus. He introduced himself to me later on during the lesson on a piece of paper.


Flash back, 30mins ago

Whilst taking notes, a piece of paper was folded and placed on my notebook from the boy sitting next to me. I picked it up and unfolded it.

Let's have a formal introduction im Jimin, you?

I scribbled down my name and folded it back up and placed it in front of him. Then quickly turned my attention back to the teacher up the front. About two minutes later another piece of paper landed on my notebook.

Have we met before Chorong?

I was debating whether or not to tell him. Should I tell him that I was from the bus? Would he be pleased? I don't think he remembered or he does and wants to make fun of me. I scratched my head at the thought.

Can't say...

I replied and sent the piece of paper back to him. Jimin was obviously annoyed that I didn't answer him straight forward because he scrambled the piece of paper in his palm and threw it across the room. Did I do the right thing by not telling him? I think it's for the best, he wouldn't remember anyway.

End of flashback


"Aish this boy is driving me nuts" I mumbled to myself and made my way out of the room.

I took my timetable out of my bag to check what classes I have for the rest of the day. History is next on my schedule, the location stated the class was held on the second floor of the opposite building from where I was. I can make it in time.

I started walking to the stairs when I heard footsteps syncing with mine behind me.

"Where are you going?" I heard a deep voice behind me. I turned to face Jimin who halted and was now leaning against the door.

"The next lesson is in the other building", now I have to answer him wherever I go. I wish I had the courage to stand up to people and speak my mind.

Jimin pushed off from the door and walked towards me, "It's the first day of school so we only have a short day. This means one lesson in the morning and now it is lunch".

He then walks in the direction of what must be the cafeteria, where everyone hangs out at lunch. I then unknowingly trail slowly behind him, trying to not seem like a stalker, I keep my distance.

I watch as he walks to the elevator which students aren't allowed to use and steps in. I wait until the doors close and watch to see which floor he was going to. The elevator counts upwards, 2,3,4,5, and stops at the sixth floor.

But that was the last floor where nobody was allowed on. I was curious as to why he would travel that way up there.

So I took the next elevator and made my way up.

Suddenly the hairs on my arm stood up. I was getting goosebumps. Was I doing the right thing? Is it safe to go to the last floor? Should I turn just go back down to the ground floor? Why am I even following him, curiosity is bad Chorong. Without thinking I pressed the number six and the elevator doors closed and I started to go up.

Not too long after the doors opened. I stepped out of the elevator and into the room. I immediately froze from my position. I could not believe what was in front of me. I thought this room was a secure place for teachers and staff but boy was I wrong.

"What's she doing here?"

[End of Chapter Two]

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