Chapter 17: Terror and Trials

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Chapter 17: Terror and Trials

"Chooooooo.....rooooooonnnngg!!" I heard a really good emphasis on my name that I haven't heard in a while. But I also didn't want to hear it because of two things. One it was coming from Eunji's mouth and two I was still in bed on a Thursday morning.

Yup, you guessed it, it was not my cup of tea to wake up early in the morning. But it was still a school day so I had to. I dragged myself out of bed and trudged to the door and opened it wide, revealing a very happy Eunji.

"WHAT?!" I yelled in her face and she stopped smiling. I then slammed the door in her face and walked over to grab my shower stuff.

I walked back into my room after a warm shower ready to get dressed for another day of school. I open my closet and grab a pair of knee-length blue jeans and a sweater. The moment I placed the clothes on my bed I remembered.

Today was Carnival day.

I mentally slapped myself in the head.

I grabbed my clothes and threw them back in the closet not caring which draw they ended up in. I walked over to my gym bag and grabbed my gym clothes out. Today all students were expected to wear gym clothes and join the rest of the school cheering on other teams all day.

Seeing as how lazy I was to join any sport to participate in, I guess I was going to stick to the bench today and watch.

Which game was I going to watch though? Was I going to be at the soccer game or the swimming match? Whose side will I be on? It's clear see who's side Eunji is on. After that stunt Minhyuk pulled on her, she will defiantly payback by going soccer fan girl mode today. She was prepared but I wasn't. I was confused.

Before I knew it, I was stepping off the bus alongside Eunji and making our way down to the school front gate. Once we reached the gates we both entered and paused to take in our surroundings.

"Wow," Eunji sighed.

It was definitely a sight to be awed at. The decorating committee must really have outdone themselves this year and spared no expense for this event. Every inch of the school was covered in the school colours.

There were streamers, banners, balloons, posters, pom poms, students covered in their favourite team colours, mascots of sorts and a gigantic sign to make sure everyone gets the message. It was a huge sight that said in bold "CARNIVAL DAY" with the school's lion mascot behind the words. Dang, we were really trying to intimidate the other schools coming here today.

"Let's go," said a very excited Eunji as she skipped to the front doors. I was about to trail after her when a flier got stuck on my leg.

I bent down and picked up the yellow flier off the ground and read it.

After Party HOSTED BY:

"The legendary Soccer & Swim team Collaboration."

The coordinator will be Minhyuk and Team. 

I stuffed the flier into my bag and raced after Eunji. I was going to show this to her afterward in case she may want to go. Or maybe I wanted to... 

Should I take the chance today and choose the swim team to watch and cheer on? Nah, I'll do what I do best and choose both to attend. I'll watch half an hour of each and then I'll ditch with Eunji and we'll explore the other games.

I walked over to the main hall where assemblies were held and sat next to Eunji on the bleachers, at the very top on. 

First was the march, then the speeches and opening involved the cutting of colourful ribbons and setting balloons loose into the crowd.

The bell went signalling everyone to be dismissed and off to their activities. I went to the track field and looked around at the girls' soccer team gearing up for their game. The other school was the other elite school in town that focused on the Arts and Sports.

Their colour combination was way better than ours. They had blue and white for their representative colours and if you asked me, the blend was amazing.

I was about to exit the field and go into the indoor sports center when someone grabbed my jacket from behind and I turned around. I turned around to see an anxious and out-of-breath Minhyuk. 

"Hey what are you doing here?" I asked him Shouldn't he be doing some laps in the school pool. Why was he walking around on the soccer fields?

"I need your help and it is urgent," he says and I nodded signaling him to continue.

"The girl's soccer team is down one player and they can't play or else they will forfeit, which means...."

"They'll lose and so will the school's reputation be ruined," I finished the sentence for him. I totally understood but I can barely run with those spikey shoes especially with a ball in between my feet.

"This is madness," I tell Minhyuk as I put on the girl's soccer jersey over my inside shirt. He just smiled to himself and stares at me. 

"What?" I asked him, "does it look funny on me?"  he shakes his head and leads us both out to meet the team.

"Are you making fun of me?" I question Minhyuk as he pulls me towards the team in the middle of the field. I look at his face but he just has a cheeky smile on. What was he up to? I had to know.

"Just play nice with the girls, they don't know you like I do. You might outrun them and tire them," he says with a smirk before running off in the direction of the swimming pool.

I shrug and jog to join the other girls. The coach asks me to run a few laps so I nodded and ran off. I did three laps of the entire field keeping my pace. As I finished my last lap, I noticed other people around were staring at me.

As soon I re-joined the team, I was told straight away that I was put as the striker position and I won't lie if I said I cracked up laughing in my coach's face. She looked pissed at my outburst of laughter and I was asked to keep quiet.

This was truly madness.

No way was I playing soccer today.

So much for my plans to watch both Minhyuk and Jimin's game.

I couldn't help but think if I was cheating them both.

Today was truly about terror and trials.

[End of Chapter Seventeen] 

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