Chapter 22: Time to say goodbye

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Chapter 22: Time to say goodbye

Eunji POV

Dear diary,

I finally got you back from Minhyuk. Took forever but I finally have you in my hand right now. You have no idea how much I missed writing my thoughts down. I guess that's only because I found someone to tell my thoughts too now. Minhuk.

I don't know why but when he returned you back to me diary, he seemed pretty upset. I think he read some of you and probably pity's me now. Well I don't need his pity or sorrow or his kindness. What I do need is to get everything back on track and running.

Chorong and Jimin obviously made up and are I think back together. But I'm not so sure because his going overseas for university, maybe in Canada because his parents have gone there. I have Jimin to thank for. His the one that sorted all the issues out with Minhyuk and he even saved me from the earthquake.

Jimin and Minhyuk have finally released each other from this long, immature feud that has been going on for ages. They broke the pact and have since then going out to clubs together, dinners, banquets and celebrations.

They have been the front news coverage for weeks now and its driving me insane, like there are better things to talk about than a bunch of rich boys. Like starvation and hunger. But what do I know I haven't even graduated yet. None of us have.

We all sat for our nationals last week and are still waiting for the results to come out to see whether we progress onto university or not. But its pretty clear from my perspective where everyone is going.

Minhyuk and Jimin's gang are both going abroad for further tertiary education, Chorong remains here in Seoul and will await to see if she passed her exams or not. I am really worried about her, apparently she isn't doing so well in school and might not even get accepted into uni.

I want to help her out but this is something each of us must face alone without one another. But I'm sure she'll be just fine. Jimin and her spend every waking moment together I swear. They walk to class together, he picks her up and drops her off, they are always out on the weekends.

But I just hope Chorong knows what she's doing. She doesn't want to get burned in the end and left behind. But we both know she will. I hope she forgets him and lets him go when the time comes for him to leave Seoul.

Minhyuk hasn't called or texted me in awhile. He usually does this then texts me back in a couple of days and apologises and makes it up to me by taking me out. I don't know what he's up to but I just want to make sure I'm prepared when he strikes the blow.

Minhyuk is my first love. I haven't written about him in my diary yet or written a poem about him yet but I think I'll try doing it and I'll say it to him when I see him again. We are both meeting up today apparently he has something important to discuss with me. I'm so nervous. I hope it isn't a proposal cause I am so not ready for that.

Diary do you think Chorong and Jimin will make it? Or will they crumble like Ha- young and Shownu. Oh by the way, the update on Ha-young she gets married as soon as she graduates and is going to go live with her new husband abroad. According to her friends she already met the fiancée a year ago and has been consistently meeting up with him.

I feel bad for Shownu I really do. All this time he didn't know about it and she played him and led him on like a fool. I hope I never have to endure this.

Best wishes diary xxx


Chorong's POV

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