Chapter 15: High School Heartbreaks

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Chapter 15: High school heartbreaks

The weekend didn't end so well for me, I found out the only reason we were at the Park's hotel was that Jimin called in for catering a large party that turned out to be what you call those teenage "burnouts", where teens go to release all their stress and whatnot.

At least every rich kid in Gangnam that Jimin knew or more like knew Jimin was invited to a nice hosted function in the ballroom, which turned into a club. There was loud music blasting through the speakers. I think Eunji mentioned two songs, one being Big Bang Haru Haru and another song by Zion.T.

It was a very tiring day, serving drinks to hyper teenagers and watching them trying to belt it out on the dance floor was pretty hilarious but also boring because I was alone the whole time. Sure I had Eunji but she was too occupied with the dessert table and cleaning up vomit on the walls. Yup, she got the dirty work because she wasn't being a good girl last time at some rich kid's birthday.

I didn't want to be alone. Not right now when I was abandoned by the one person who I thought I could count on. I should've known he would abandon me as soon as he found out about what I did. I didn't even have that good of an angle of the photography to snap pictures of him and leak it to the press.

I didn't even know he was some rich kid's son that could sue my life, or even worse, turn out to be my boyfriend, well ex-boyfriend now. All I knew that day was that he was a cool kid who wore really cool clothes and hung out at a very fancy bar/club, that had such beautiful carvings and designs, can't blame a girl for taking a picture or two. It was an innocent mistake.

Maybe I trusted him too soon and held onto his hand too quickly and confessed too early. Too early for both of us. But I was so caught up and ignored all the warning sirens that were blaring out at me.

I stood there in my catering uniform with my feet still blistered and pink. I kept a straight face as I noticed him dancing with numerous girls on the dance floor. I turned away in disgust at the sight before me. What the hell Jimin, he's such an a-hole. I can't help but be angry and sad. I feel like shouting on top of my lungs or dropping to the floor and breaking down. He was too good to be true anyway. I just have to not go for over-privileged snobby boys and just stick to county boys, like my parents advise, they take good care of you.

The day dragged on and soon the party drifted to the late-night scene and then before I knew it, a fight broke out and several people were injured. My boss came bursting out the kitchen doors with paper towels and ice bags in her hands.

She shoved one in my hand and gestured to me to take care of that boy in the corner. "Yes that one, do it now Chorong!" I sighed and walked over to the injured Jimin lying in the dark cornered booth with a girl passed out in his right arm.

I scoffed, "gross," before grabbing the girl's hand and pulling her away from Jimin. She sulked and leaned in more to him.

"Stop being jealous," she whines drunkenly. I sigh heavily. I wonder why I even bother with this job. I serve people, not take care of them in this manner.

She wore a short strapless dress so I couldn't pull her by her clothing so I just grabbed her elbow and hauled her away. She kept resisting so I called Eunji to do the dirty work. Eunji was always tough in her own special way.

She had a nice feminine, hourglass figure but she had enormous amounts of strength in them. "Who her?" Eunji asked when she arrived and I nodded. With one swift tug, the girl was out of Jimin's arms and Eunji took her away to the toilet but not before giving me a thumbs up for Jimin. I smiled at her and turned to the mess of a person before me.

I moved in to sit in the booth and slid in next to Jimin. Who by the way, reeked of alcohol and his very own signature perfume. It was one of those expensive brands; Calvin Klein or Hugo Boss. Either way, it smelt great on him, but not right now.

Wait, focus Chorong, you hate him remember. He thought you betrayed him but you didn't. He wouldn't even give you the slightest chance to explain, so forget him.

I put my hand under him to lift him up so he wasn't almost falling off the seat but leaning against the plush covers. His eyes opened and he stared at me. But I wasn't going to let that disturb me from my work. I grabbed the damp paper towel and tapped it lightly against his cut above his lip. He winced at the pain and moved away slightly.

"If you won't mind Sir, I'm just doing my job," I say before continuing cleaning the cut and pressing ice against his bruised forehead. We both were completely silent and neither one of us spoke to the other. I could feel his breath on my palm and his chest rising and falling. We were that close, it was so awkward.

"Why did you do it?" he said and I closed my eyes. I didn't really care anymore if he believed me or not. All I knew was I didn't do it and he thinks I did.

I ignored his question before he threw another, "Why did you act as if you liked me?" I stopped when he said that. I can't believe he is actually saying this. I was head over heels for him and he dares question it.

"Why would you betray me?"

"Did you think it was nice to play with my heart?"

"You think it's fun ruining my life huh?"

He finally stopped and stayed quiet for a while. I was letting him get all his anger out on me. At this point, I don't expect much of Jimin's faith in me, it's hopeless. Even if I did explain that I didn't leak the photo, he would've argued back not believing me. I don't know who else was there, but Eunji and I aren't people to do such petty things. This whole situation has been dragging my heart, I just can't be bothered to deal with it right now. My heart hurts so much I might burst out crying any moment, my head hurts from everything, and hell! my feet are so swollen. I just want t go home.

"You know my father thinks I'm playing games and not taking him seriously," he laughed at that lightly but he soon started coughing and I put a hand to his back to rub but he pulled away from my touch.

That hurt.

A lot.

Well, Jimin you can find someone else to rub your back for you and clean your bruise. I stood up and walked out of the booth.

I hate you Jimin

I hate you for not believing me.

I hate you for listening to everyone but me.

Me, who was right.

I hate you for making me fall for you.


I got home with Eunji, I told her everything on the way home and she comforted me like every girl does and tell me that he's not worth it. Eunji told me about Minhyuk and finally admitted that she might have fallen a little too hard for her liking. And not fan-girl liking, but real feelings. She was sad as she told me and she continued to tell me that she saw Minhyuk flirting with other girls the next day at school. She was totally cheated on and it made her look like a laughing stock because that exact girl was at the party that night.

We turned KBS on and watched The Heirs - the Korean drama and we both balled our eyes out like crazy. Me, because of Jimin and how he was a horrible butt hole, and Eunji cried because she found out that Minhyuk was a total fake to her and a cheater.

We cried like proper teenage girls who got dumped, but hey, what else do you expect out of High School right? Boys will be boys. They were total heartbreakers of the school.

Jimin was a total loser and Minhyuk was a jerk. End of story.

[End of Chapter Fifteen]

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