Chapter 18: The Ugly Part

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Chapter 18: The Ugly part

The ugly part. There was always one to every story, one to every experience. It was the part where you looked back and realize that you never want to witness that ever again. That you regretted every second and minute of it.

This was one of those moments.

I'd love to turn into a ghost right now and watch myself be foolish on a soccer field. It was hilarious I bet. Watching a person like me with no history of soccer in my life and now playing with a professional team in a competition.

Go figure.

This is high school I guess. It does things like this to you. Makes you do things you wouldn't normally do. Or hang around with people you normally don't. Play sports you don't usually take. Worry about inhuman things like if that one guy will ever ask you out again. Or start work till late hours that you normally wouldn't do. And of course, the big one is getting involved in internal battles with people you barely know.

I on the other hand am enjoying the spoils of it. (note the sarcasm there)

By the time I had endured an hour's worth of torture in the sun. I quickly slipped off the soccer field and to the lockers to change out. I left the clothing and shoes on the bench, even though it was all gross and sweaty. I quickly jogged over to the other soccer field across where the boy's team was playing. I reached there in time to see something not quite right.

There were students all gathered in the middle of the field and they were all celebrating. Throwing confetti in the air, jumping up and down, shaking hands, yelling and some overly excited students were doing summersaults.

The only thing wrong with the picture was that it wasn't Jimin's team but the East Tiger's team. They had their orange and black stripes all-enveloping our school's colours.

I gasped.

There was no-way our school lost this game. Despite the facts, it happened and there was nothing we could do about it. Was this the ugly part of the day? I thought to myself or is there something more ugly to come....

I couldn't watch anymore. There was no sign of Jimin and his little minions. Maybe they were too embarrassed so they went home. Or maybe...

"They went to see if Minhyuk won?" I whispered the last bit to myself and took off in the direction of the school's indoor pool.

I raced down the fields and pass students. I had to shove some and even made a girl almost fall over. I stopped and bowed and apologised constantly, "I'm sorry, really I am," I repeated like three times before continuing my run. I had to get there to see the outcome.

When I reached the entrance, it was jam-packed with students. "Ain't no way anyone else is entering," the security at the door said. I made a face at him and took off towards the other entrance. The one the janitors use to access the pools to clean them.

When I entered, I was directly next to the swim team's locker room. I carefully made my way through hopefully not to see anyone half-naked or having a shower or worse stripping down to change.

I ran through the slippery wet floors. When I was about the reach the door, I tripped over a towel and landed on my back. The pain first started from my head then spread to my arms and lastly my leg was retarded underneath me.

I then noticed it was twisted. I need to reach Jimin or Minhyuk. I didn't know why I had to, I just had to. I needed to explain to either one of them. If Jimin lost his race, the only way to not lose this game was for Minhyuk to lose his too. Let me explain in simple words, it's embarrassing for the soccer team to lose if the swimming team wins theirs, so in basic words; the soccer team would try to sabotage the swimming team's race and make them lose, so that their pride wouldn't be ruined. Understand? 

"The last race is about to begin, everybody to your marks," I could hear the announcer outside the locker rooms. I could hear cheering and applauding and whistles.

"Oh-no Minhyuk," I need to get to Minhyuk before Jimin does to sabotage his race. I quickly sat up and brought myself to my feet. I limped out of the room that was really slippery.

When I burst the doors open, I was directly behind the blocks where the swimmers line up. I couldn't recognize Minhyuk. They all had similar body built of swimmers which was distracting but I had to focus.

I then noticed someone in the crowd making their way to the swimming blocks. Jimin.

He was going to do it. He was going to ruin Minhhyk's race. I had to stop him. So I limped quickly as I could past the swimmers and Minhyuk wherever he was and towards the crowd in the stand.

I then started jogging which kind of hurt my knee but I did it anyway. Then when I was about to reach him I slipped once more and this time not onto the slippery floor but I was headed for the pool. Literally, my head was going first.

My body leaned in quickly but it was too late I thought. That very moment, the buzzer went off and the swimmers dived into the pool. I was going to join them but someone grabbed my hand that was wailing around and pulled me into their chest.

It was a bare chest I could feel. My heart was beating rapidly, my fingers were shaking and my legs were trembling. I could feel the tension in the person who saved me. He was also nervous.

"Are you okay?" I heard him say and I nodded into his chest. I knew I had to pull away sooner or later.

I then noticed that the indoor pool was really quiet.

I pulled away from my saviour to notice five things that were completely out of the normal. Are you ready to hear this? Okay:

1.      Minhyuk was my saviour.

2.      He didn't complete his race because he caught me.

3.      The entire school's attention was on me.

4.      Jimin was nowhere to be seen.

5.      Minhyuk had the biggest grin on his face.

This ladies and gentlemen is the ugly part of my story. The part where I totally mess things up with Jimin and get tangled up in Minhyuk, literally and one more thing. Eunji was also nowhere to be seen. 

[End of Chapter Eighteen] 

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