Final Chapter

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//Last Chapter\\ Thanks for all your support!

Final Chapter(no epilogue)

Chorong's ending........and more to come.

"Thank you all for coming tonight and wish all the graduating students a brilliant life ahead of them" the school principal announced before she put down the mike wiped her tears and walked off the stage.

I immediately got out of my seat and headed for the doors, I didn't wait to throw my graduation cap in the air or broadcast to everyone my failures of the year. I just wanted to go the one person waiting for me outside.

Yup it's true I'm not smart like my pretty Eunji or that determined and positive about what I want to do in the future. I didn't graduate with flying colours but I passed everything all thanks to Eunji. My plans are unknown to me.

They're like puzzles I haven't solved and are still sitting on my desk waiting for me to put together. Eunji didn't show up tonight, patently she's flown away to find her long lost self. I raised out of the hall and into the parking lot. It was packed but since I ran out first I spotted the familiar black Lexus down the street and headed for it.

I got in and Jimin started the car on the journey back home.

"Long night huh?" He asked.

"Well it was kind of, you weren't in there didn't u want to witness the school one late time?" I asked him but he just kept quiet. Why was he so quiet tonight, didn't we just get back together. Is he still mad? How childish!

I looked to the back seat and saw a bunch of tulips in a bundle. "Are those for me?" I asked cheerfully and he said yes.

I grabbed them and smelt them. They were fresh and were preserved well.

We reached my house quite quickly as expected and soon we were both standing on my porch. I smiled and grabbed his hand. "We should be celebrating our graduation, why did you bring me home so early?"

His eyes were dark and sad and I wondered what it was all about. "Why aren't you talking? Why aren't you taking my hand and wishing me a good year and-" he cut me off by letting off of my hand.

He finally spoke, but once the words left his lips I wish I walked through the front door before he said anything. "Why is it that every time we are together, you ask me more questions than speaking? Why do we always have to end up like this?"

"Like what?"

"Like two people at the end of the road of their relationship. That's what we've been doing for weeks just fighting and trying to get each other to understand and spending more time doing this than actually being together."

I was upset now, "that's because for weeks you've been pushing me away and a little over the line that has lead us to finally reconcile but it's already too late because it's the end of the year. You and I have to........have too"

"Don't say it" Jimin said.

"Have to..."

"Don't" he yelled.

"Why can't I say it? It's the ugly truth and the final chapter of this horrible relationship I have wasted my time and energy into" tears rolled down my eyes and I could feel them getting swollen once more.

"I need you to understand one thing and one thing only okay?" Jimin spoke, "I avoided you because I didn't want to reach this part okay, I didn't want to say........." His voice was breaking and his fists were clenched at his sides.

"I just didn't want to say goodbye. I'll be going to the states for training to become the heir my family needs me to be. And--"

"We can make it", this time I cut him off," we can do Skype and....and FaceTime and the long distance relationship" I was trying to think of a solution.

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