Chapter 8: Library flings & Free Ice Creams

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Jimin's POV

"Are you okay?" I asked Chorong as we both excited the bus and continued on to the library building. I've never been here at all because father had a built in library at home packed with books. Books that I would need from my kindergarten years till I graduate from highschool, weird isn't it?

But as always Chief had prepared my bag pack with all the equipment I would need, including a library card. I walked in and swiped my library card and walked in but noticed that Chorong was still outside.

She stood there in a t-shirt with long denim pants and a cute bag pack. She looked all cute just standing there really shy. I walked towards her and grabbed her wrist taking her by surprise, "I don't have a library card-" cutting her off by dragging her in.

She kept quiet and let me take her in and found ourselves a table on the second floor. I unpacked my bag and so did Chorong in silence. I didn't take my hat or hoodie off not wanting to attract attention to myself and end up on tomorrow's exclusive.

I then heard Chorong clear her throat and I looked up. "Nothing," she said waving her hands in defense, "just thirsty don't worry," I wasn't going to ask anyway. "How about I do this part and you do this bit to start?" She suggested and I nodded in agreement. Chorong then stood up and walked into the book shelves.

From where I was sitting, I could see her small figure looking over the books on the higher shelf. Her eyes roamed over them until she widened her eyes and reached for the book. I smiled to myself at how she struggled to get the book down. She was muttering words to herself and looked frustrated.

I walked over from behind her and grabbed the book for her and handed it to her. She smiled cutely and accepted it. "Thanks," she said and skipped to another shelf. I decided to follow her until she didn't need to get any more books. I don't know why, it felt right for my footsteps to trail behind her, it felt belonging almost.

"You don't have to follow me," she said and I shook my head, "trust me, this is more for me then you," I found it amusing how she reached for the big books. She found a ladder and took it to grab a book on a shelf on the huge walls that she couldn't reach.

She reached out and grabbed the book she needed. Then slowly started to make her way back down. On her way down she took her time, closing her eyes at times and muttering to herself. Was she scared of heights? I thought to myself. She's adorable. Then with such impatience and fear, she skipped a step and fell backwards.

She fell right back into my arms as I was standing at the foot of the ladder, holding onto it. I caught her and we both fell to the ground. I lowered my body slowly so that we don't crash into the ground as hard. Her hands are on my chest and the book she climbed all that way up has disappeared.

Her eyes are closed and her hair is falling down her face. My breathing quickens and I turn a bright shade for no reason. She is still shaking, i can feel her legs and hands. "You're okay, I've got you," Her face was dugged into my chest, leaning into me with all her might. I reassure her and she opens those beautiful eyes of hers one at a time.

We stare at each other for a while trying to read each other's mind. I soon notice my hands are around her waist and loosen my hold. My cap had fallen off as well and my hoodie has left my head. "Are we gonna stay like this all day?" I asked her and she quickly tugged out of my grip.

"Thanks for saving....yeah," was all she said before blushing to a bright lobster than leaving me to the shelf. I made my way back to the table and found her typing furiously at one of the computers that were in the library. I chuckle lightly to myself.

I took my seat next to her and continued working. We worked in silence for another two hours before half the paper was done. I noticed that Chorong had twisted her neck twice and stretched her arms from where she was sitting.

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