Chapter 20: Rejected Once More

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Chapter 20: Rejected once more

I have been running for a total of ten minutes, this must be a new record. I use to run a lot but that all changed when I discovered Netflix and chill, yes we have that even in the country side, it's not all farm and grub. That became my new life. Running just was a mere memory of the past and was not something I practised quite often.

I reached the final end of the line the library that led nowhere. I ran in and blended in instantly with the quiet environment. I ducked behind some bookshelves and looked around for a hiding spot where they wouldn't find me.

I heard their thumping footsteps approaching the door. "Shhhhhh," was all I heard from the librarian before I moved to the furthest corner of the library. I walk over to the ancient history section and sat there.

I heard footsteps through the shelves. "She is definitely here, it's the end of the line," I could hear them discussing me through the books. I clutched the lunch pack tightly to my chest and started crawling down the line. "Block the exit, we will find her," Dang! They're fast.

I reach the end of the aisle and look up to see two doors. "Girls toilets and boy toilets," I whispered to myself. They wouldn't dare step into the men's room, would they? I then got to my feet and at the speed of lightning disappeared behind the men's room. I blocked my nose the minute I entered. Who wants to breathe in the fumes of the boy's room? Yuck! Not me.

I walked around and entered one of the stalls. I shut the door and sat on the seat, trying my best to not die from the smell. The door then opened and I heard footsteps shuffling in. Two guys, I'm guessing.

"What's all the ruckus about outside?" the deep voice asked his friend.

"Dunno man, probably some other commotion about fangirls of the soccer team," he answered and I smiled. He is so right.

"They wouldn't enter in here would they?" the deep voice asked and I froze in my position. Oh sh**t is he is going to check if I'm a guy. What do I do? Should I just fess up? No, I shouldn't I worked too hard to find this hiding spot. I will not back down.

"Hey who's in here?" the other guy asked out loud and knocked on my door. Great just great.

I am going to fake it. "Ughhhhh, stop man I need to focus on my constipation," I said in my best deep voice guy accent. I hope they buy it. 

"Ughhhh, arg arg arg," Shit I tried to go deep graon but ended up drying my own throat and coughed like an actual man, damn. 

"Sorry man we're leaving, no girls in here," was all they said before both guys disappeared out the door.

I let out a long sigh. "Ugh, finally they're gone". The bell rang and that signaled for the end of lunch so I climbed out my stall and shut the door before coming face- to-face with the man I have been running from this whole time. Park Jimin.

"Heyyyy," I say very awkwardly. "Oh, would you look at that, wrong room, looks like I have to go next door so bye," was all I said before turning and heading for the door, clutching the lunch pack tight in my grasp.

"Not so fast," Jimin says and swiftly steps into my way. He stands against the door and locks it without turning around. His face was only inches from mine.

"You shouldn't be in here you know," he tells me.

"I was just leaving," I say and smile really weirdly. Oh man, what does he want now? He got me off guard and I have nothing to sway him with. Should I seduce him right now or is that too much?

"Stop thinking for once and look into my eyes," I snap at the sound of his words and look straight at him. "Give me that lunch pack," he asks and I shake my head.

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