Russia x Reader

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I am working on a requested Italy x Reader. I just couldn't think of any plot for the longest time, so hopefully this will do until it comes out.



I walked through the hallway with Russia. Today the world meeting was at America, so I was pretty tired from the plane ride. Looking up at him, I could see that he was tired too.

It was my first world meeting since I became a country. Yes, I used to be just a normal person, But after Ivan and I started dating he said that he didn't want to lose me. So, he gave me a piece of his land so I could also be a country. Compared to Russia, I am just a speck on the globe. It doesn't matter to me, though. As long as I'm with Ivan, I'm happy.

Today he is going to introduce me to the others, so I'm a little nervous. Once we reached the meeting room, Ivan patted my shoulder. A small smile on his face.

"Don't worry, Sunflower. They vill like you." I grabbed his sleeve as I nodded. I believed him, but it really didn't settle my nerves.

Ivan opened the door and led me to two empty seats. The whole room was chaotic with arguments. Some people were talking about trading and some were talking about currency problems. It sounded like being a country was a lot of work.

Before Ivan and I could take our seats, somebody noticed me and came over to say hello. Russia was obviously a little nervous that he would come too close to me. He pulled me behind him once he felt like the stranger was a bit of a threat to me.

"Russia, who's the chick?" Asked the stranger who had blonde hair and blue eyes. I leaned over so I could see him from behind Ivan. Ivan glared at him before letting me speak.

"Umm...I'm (c/n). It's nice to meet you. And you are?" I smiled as I greeted him.

"It's America, the hero! And I have one question for ya!" I cowered behind Russia a little when he raised his voice.

"What is it?" I asked in a hushed tone that could barely be heard.

"The commie's not forcing you to be with him is he? Threating you or anything?" America asked as he leaned down close to my face. I shook my head and grabbed the back of Russia's coat tight as he got too close. He pulled away with a face that was a little annoyed and curious. "So you WANT to be with this guy? You a commie too?" I shook my head at his last question.

"I'm a Constitutional Republic like you, America" He crossed arms and puffed his cheeks with air.

"Then why would you be with him?"

"Because I love him?" I answered, more of a question then a statement. After what I said, he smiled.

"As long as he treats you right , I guess." I nodded and went over to take my seat, Russia not far behind. Ivan took his seat and I was about to take mine until someone tapped my shoulder. I looked behind me to see America again. "Let me." He said as he pulled out the chair out for me.

"O-oh thank you." I began to sit down on the chair when I felt it move out from under me. Soon after hearing it move, my butt met the floor and laughing from America could be heard. Tears threatened to fall onto my cheeks as I felt my butt and lower back start to hurt, and even worse everybody saw and started to laugh as well.

'What did I do to make him do that?' I thought as I tried not to sound like I was starting to cry. I lowered my face to the ground, making it harder for everybody to see my face. 'Is it because that we have the same government. Because I like Russia?'

The laughter soon stopped and a purple aura filled the room. I looked behind me to see Russia holding America by his shirt collar. His usually happy face was filled with anger and hatred.

"It isn't funny or nice to hurt (c/n)." He said, hatred practically dripping from his voice.

"I-it was a joke, dude!" America said, trying to defend himself. "Get off of me, man!" Ivan's emotion stayed the same as me threw America on the table. Papers flying everywhere when he made contact with the table.

While America was still trying to comprehend what had just happen, Ivan grabbed my hand and rushed me out of the building. Nobody dared to stop us trying to leave. Probably because they didn't want to end up like America.

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