England x Reader

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Requested by: Crescentmoon626

(bff/n) = friend's name

(f/n) = first name


It was a normal day working at Teavana. The store I was working in the mall, so it was a really small area but it was cozy. Since it was a small store, the only employees working were (bff/n), my friend, and I.

(Bff/n) was fixing the shelves and would greet people. I, on the other hand, just worked at the register. Sitting on my ass was the life. All I had to do was scan items and give money back for change. Pretty much a dream job in my opinion.

I stretched my arms out wide. Today has been really slow and quiet due to it snowing outside, but I wasn't complaining. I'm practically getting paid to do nothing.

"Hey (f/n)?" I looked over at (bff/n) who was making sample tea for any people passing by.

"Hmm?" She gave me a glance before going back to her work.

"Can u pass me the green tea container for the samples?" Nodding, I leaned down and grabbed the container labeled Matcha Japanese Green Tea. I gave it to her with a toss across the room.

"Anything else?" I asked as I did an awkward shoulder dance.

"Actually, yeah. Can you give out samples while I go to the bathroom?" Sighing, I nodded as I put on my apron so I can serve the tea.

"Yeah, yeah. Just go pee or whatever." She gave a small thanks before rushing to the bathroom. Since I was alone now, it was even more boring. The only thing to do was look at the different types of tea.

Youthberry orange blossom tea

Raspberry limeade tea

Matcha Japanese green tea

Royal English Breakfast Black Tea




and even more tea. All there is in this freakin' store is tea, nothing else.


I've been waiting for (bff/n) for about a couple minutes and I was getting really bored. Nobody was really at the mall, so there wasn't really anybody to give tea to.

"(F/n)?" I looked around to see who said my name. My eyes set on my really close friend, Arthur, who was standing in front of the entrance. We have been friends for a while and, to be honest, I would let him have his way.

"Oh, Arthur. It's snowing, what are you doing here?" I asked as I poured a cup of the Royal English Breakfast Black Tea. It wasn't really part of the samples for the day, but I know how he likes the stuff. Not as much as Earl Grey Tea, but it was the next best thing. I gave him the small cup and watched as he took a sip.

"Well, I heard that you were working today. So I thought I might come over for a visit." I nodded in an understanding way. He took a look around the store, with a confused look on his face. "Are you the only one working here right now?"

I shook my head. "No, (bff/n) is working too, but she's in the restroom."

"Good, I don't want them too work you too hard." I gave a small laugh. If only he knew that I sat around all day.

"That's sweet to worry, but believe me, I don't do much of anything just sit around. I just sit around wasting space." I put my hands in my pockets as I looked at the floor.

"Don't say that about yourself. I wouldn't let you talk about yourself like that if you were with me. I would make sure that you feel confident about yourself at all times." I slowly looked up at him, a redish glow on my face.

"Are you...trying to say something?" He took the last sip of the tea and threw it in the trash.

"Yeah. Alfred told me to just go for it, but I bet you'll say no." I gave the most confused look as I was trying to figure everything out.

"Say no to what?" I asked as I rubbed the back of my neck.

"To asking you out."

"Oh, well just ask me real quick." He coughed a bit. Probably trying to get the courage to ask.

"Okay...(F/n), will you go out with me?" 







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