Chapter 3 Klaus gets his daughter back

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Zoey's POV

I sighed. They were clearly confused on how such a hateful person could love someone like me or anyone to be exact.

"Ash! When's my dad getting here to where ever we are?" I asked loudly. He looked at me at smirked.

"He's been in town for two hours already." Ash said laughingly.

"Wait! Klaus is here?!" Damon yelled. Stefan looked very worried and Elena looked scared.

"What'd you expect? I brought her here for a reason Damon! It's to get this stupid curse done and over with so we can live on with our lives!!" Ash yelled back at Damon.

In a blink Damon had Ash choking up against the wall. They went back and forth for a moment until it came out with Damon on top of Ash laying on the ground.

"STOP!! Can you please just take me to my dad?? Please??" I asked softly and let one tear drop down my cheek for extra effects. I looked over to Elena knowing she'd buy it firstly. She sighed.

"Maybe, we should take her back to--" she was cut off by Damon.

"NO! We can't do that now! He'd probably kill us all... except Elena..." He raged.

"I wouldn't let him." I said quietly. Damon didn't hear me and kept raging.

"I WOULDN'T LET HIM KILL YOU!! Well, I really wouldn't care letting him kill Ash..." I trailed off. Everyone was quiet and was looking at me. I sighed.

"Can I take a shower? I bet my dad wouldn't like it if I was covered in blood... And i bet he's already furious enough and then he see's me with blood all over... man he's gunna be pissed! Plus Im too hot to be in this condition." I said smirking. Damon and Ash smirked at me. Ash walked over and made me look into his dialating nd undialating eyes.

"You can get up from your spot and take a shower in Stefan's room. That way Elena can let you borrow some of her clothes and then we will take you to your father. If you try and escape, you will harm yourself to stop you from escaping." Ash said. I nodded in understanding. He held his hand out to help me stand. I grabbed it with caution and stood. We looked at Elena and she stood, too.

"Come on! I'll take ya to Stefan's room!" Elena said with a smile. She took my hand and led me upstairs to a room that had a desk covered in papers and a bed with the covers all used. She led me over to a door that opened up into a HUGE bathroom!

"Wow.... This is bigger than my bedroom back in New York!!!" I shouted in amazement. Elena turned to me.

"I'll leave you to your shower and I'll get some clothes and set them on the bed. Take your time." She said and quietly left. I turned the shower on and undressed. My shower lasted for 45 minutes. 30 of the minutes I was thinking of how to escape and get to my father. Finally I gave up and finished my shower.

I got out and rapped a towel around me and stepped out of the bathroom. I walked over to the bed and put on the clothes that were sitting there for me. They were pink skinnys and a grey tanktop with pink floral designs all over. There were even pink flats. I left my wet blonde wavy hair down and walked out of the bedroom.

I heard hushed voices coming from downstairs. I carefully walked down the stairs. The talking stopped when I walked down the stairs. I looked over to them and saw there was another person here. He had an emo look to him. He had messy dark brown hair and really super nice brown eyes. He wore a grey hoodie and dark jeans. His figure was gorgeous. And he was just gorgeous. He was saying something to me.

"Wait. What'd you say?" I asked him. He chuckled and held his hand out to me.

"I'm Jeremy Gilbert." He said with his eyes twinkling. I took his hand and shook it.

"I'm... I'm.... wait what was I saying?" I asked smiling. I was clearly lost in his eyes. Someone cleared their throat.

"Her name is Zoey Mikaelson. She is Klaus's daughter and we should be going to meet him like NOW! Or he might actually come here and murder us all." It was Ash. I sighed and looked over to him. He looked slightly ammused at my reaction to Jeremy

"Can I have my phone?" I asked him with impatience. He took it out of his pocket and handed it to me. I went down my contacts.

"Are you fucking serious? You put your number in my phone?!" I asked Ash. I sighed and found my fathers number and pressed the send button. I brought my phone up to my ear and waited one second.

"Zoey?! Are you okay, love?" He asked very worriedly. I smiled and laughed. His voice was releaving.

"I'm fine dad--" Ash ripped the phone from my grasp and brought it up to his ear. I tried to protest but he wouldn't give it back.

"Okay Klaus. How 'bout you meet us at the remains of Fells Church. And then you can get your daughter back." Ash said harshly. He handed me my phone and grabbed my arm.

"Come on. We are leaving." I struggled to get out of his grasp, but it was no use. He's a vampire.

"Hey! Leave her alone Ash!" It was Jeremy. Ash turned and let me go. He disappeared and was infront of Jeremy in an instant. I turned and tried to run out the door but fell to the ground choking. Oh yeah I was compelled to inflict self harm. I crawled back into the house and the choking stopped. I gasped for air.

"Whats wrong with her?" Jeremy asked.

"She's supposed to hurt herself if she tries to get away from us." Ash said simply. I glared at him. He walked back over to me and started to drag me away from the house and to a camero. I struggled in his grip. He threw me into the passanger side of the car and walked over to the drivers side and turned the car on.

We drove for 5 minutes, and he stopped the car. Ash got out and opened my door. He grabbed my arm and pulled me into the forest. We soon came to the old Fells Church. The others were right behind us. There was a growl to the right. I turned and saw Klaus several feet away.

"DADDY!!" I squealed. I went to run to him but Ash grabbed my arm and held me tight.

"I can break her neck easily." Ash threatened. I gasped in terror. I looked at my father. He looked ferious.

"Don't you dare hurt my daughter!" Klaus growled.

"Come on Ash. Lets be reasonable." Stefan said. Ash gripped my head and snapped it to the left. I gasped and blackness enveloped me.

Klaus's POV

"Don't you dare hurt my daughter!" I growled. Ash was a dead man for even threatening my daughter.

"Come on Ash. Lets be reasonable." Stefan said. Ash moved his hand he snapped her neck. She gasped and Ash let her fall to the ground. I was stunned. I flashed over to my daughters lifeless body. I lifted her head up.

"NO! Zoey!!! You are not dead! Your a Mikaelson! Come on!! Wake up!" I cried. I was showing weakness. I laid my daughter back on the ground. I growled and pinned Ash onto the ground.

"HOW DARE YOU KILL HER!!!" I roared into his face. He just laughed.

"She's got Stefan's blood in her system." Ash said laughingly. I looked at him in disbelief. I plunged my hand into his chest and pulled out his lifeless organ. I threw his heart out into the forest and stood back up. I looked to Stefan and the others who were just staring at my daughter dumbfounded.

"Is this true Stefan?" I growled to the young vampire. He looked at me with a scared look and nodded. I walked over to my daughters lifeless body and picked her up bridal style.

"Well, Elena I'll see you on the full moon, love." I said and ran back to the apartment building I was staying in. I passed Elijia and laid Skylar on the couch.

"What happened to her Klaus?" Elijia asked.

"She's in transition..." I said quietly. Elijia gasped and left. He appeared back next to me and handed me a red bottle. It held blood. I sat on the floor next to my daughter and waited for her to wake up.

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