Chapter 22 Alt.

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I sat quietly in the back seat while Stefan drove. I'm still not back in my body, which is getting really annoying.

I keep getting this wierd feeling like I'm being compelled to go to a certain place. It shouldn't hurt to go see what is making me feel this, right?

I blinked and I was suddenly in a different place. It was like some sort of cave or something. I looked over and saw that Jeremy kid. The strange thing was that he was staring at me.

"Zoey?" He questioned in confusion. He can- Oh my god!!

"You can see me?" I asked him excitedly.

"Ar- are you dead?" He asked me. I nodded my head.

"But only for a little while. I died with Klaus's blood in my system. It shouldn't be long now." I told him. he nodded and then frowned.

"But Elena-" I cut him off.

"Klaus had some left over blood of Elena's, just in case." I said with a smile.

"So what are you doing in this cave thingy?" I questioned him.

"Its where Bonnie did the spell. She actually just left." He told me nervously. I raised my eyebrow but let it go.

"Okay, well this was fun chatting and all, but I think I'm just gunna go and wait t-" I stopped talking and then all of the sudden I was plunged into darkness.


I gasped and clawed at my chest. There was no hole anymore. In rememberance I grabbed the blood vial from the front seat and downed it all. It was just like drinking alcohol.

I heard a noise from outside the car and got out to investigate.

"Stefan?" I called out. I turned around and almost screamed.

"Oh my gosh, Stefan! You can't do that to me!" I scolded.

"Sorry." He appoligized.

"Did you already drop Silas into the lake?" I questioned.

"Yes." He responded.

"Then come on Stefan! I want to get on the road!" I said excitedly and hopped into the passenger seat.

"So where do you want to go first?" He asked me with a smile. I'm not sure but he seems a little off. I ignored it and considered the possibilities.

"How about London?" I asked.

"London it is then." Stefan answered. I suddenly became tired and leaned my head against the window. I let my eyelids drop and submurge myself into sleep.


So this is the Alternate Chapter. Nothing is different except the end.

BTW, if you are confused or anything, the Stefan at the end IS Silas!

Dun, Dun, Duuuuuuunnn!!!! :D

So I think I am actually going to go forward with this chapter, because I have some great ideas for following chapters!! :D

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