Chapter 9 Befriending Elena

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    3rd person POV

Klaus opens the door. Damon is standing outside and grimaces at him. Damon walks in the house without an invitation.

"Ah, what an unpleasant surprise" Klaus said annoyed. Damon holds up a piece of paper.

"So I just came up with a list." Damon said simply. Klaus shuts the door and follows Damon into the room.

"It's called 'Things You Suck At' " He stops and turns to face Klaus.

"Number one: Finding Katherine. Ever. Number two: covering up your secret phone conversations with that little backstabber Hayley. And yeah, so, where is she? What does she know about Katherine?" Damon said boredly.

"I should help you?" Klaus asked incrediously. Damon nodded.

"After you lot killed my brother, locked my daughter somewhere, and imprisoned me in the Gilbert living room?" Klaus asked.

"You might want to prioritize, Klaus. You have much bigger problems." Damon said. Klaus looks at him blankly but a little displeased.

"Katherine has the cure. My guess is she's gonna want to cram it down your throat. You help me find Katherine, I'll get the cure, I'll give it to Elena, and I'll let you undagger your daughter personally, everybody wins. Just let me question Hayley about Katherine." Klaus smiles and walks towards Damon.

"Can't help you, mate. Hayley's off limits, and she showed me where my daughter is. She is waking as we speak. Although, I did have a run in with a vampire who may know where Katerina is. Too bad for you, I bit halfway through his bloody neck. He probably won't have much time for chit-chat. Maybe you need to prioritize..."


            Zoey's POV

    I gasped. I'm not dead? When I looked up I saw my father.

"Zoey I need you to go find Elena. Be BFF's with her or whatever you teens call it. She is a vampire and has her emotions off. Look at me daughter!" I looked him in the eyes.

"Turn it off. Jeremy is dead and you are going to turn off your emotions and befriend Elena." He yelled and the compultion worked. Something snapped.

"Seeya later pops!" I said and raced outside. I was in the forest, and I looked down at my ring. Yes! It is still there. I smelled humans and raced to where they were. Campers. But I smell... Vervain? Shit!! I txted my father.

ME: Why is there so much vervain?!

Dad: The Mayor put vervain in the towns water supply. Oops. Forgot to tell you.

ME: F you!

Dad: Elena is at school.

ME: Fine

I ran to the school and to the office. I compelled the lady to get me the same classes as Elena. When I got to the locker I used I grabbed the History book and went to the classroom. I saw Elena and sat right next to her.

"Hey Elena." I said boredly. Acouple people gasped.

"Zoey?" I heard a high pitched voice say. I looked over to see the norm barbie of every highschool.

"That's my name, don't wear it out." I said smirking.

"By the way Elena... I'm so sorry for your loss. I know you are now an emotionless bitch, but i'm still sorry." I said quietly. I looked to her.

"Are you an emotionless bitch too Zoey?" Elena asked smirking.

"Yup! And I think we will be the best of friends for awhile. Cus well... We have the same kind of interests." I said smirking. Elena almost said something but the teacher came in and looked at me.

"Are you a new student?" He asked.

"Isn't it obvious since I'm the only new face here?" I asked.

"Ok well what is your name?" Alaric asked.

"Zoey Mikaelson.." I said and then zoned out for the rest of class thinking about blood.

The bell rang. I got up and walked out the door. When I put my books in my locker and grabbed my Maths book, I saw Elena approach a bulletin board and pull off a flyer advertising a memorial for Jeremy. Without any noticeable reaction, she moves on to another flyer, this one advertising the Mystic Falls Cheerleading Invitational. I walked up to her.

"You wanna join the squad with me?" I asked her.

"Sure cuz well... I have an idea that will help us both." Elena said mischeviously to me. She turned and started to walk towards Caroline and Matt. I followed her.

"Can you get me my old spot back on the cheerleading squad, and let Zoey join too?" Elena asked.

"I mean, technically, yeah. I'm captain, but I thought you hated cheerleading. And does Zoey have any experience?"

"I did, but now I think it would be really fun to jump around and toss people up in the air. It's not like the routines are that hard." Elena said simply.

"Back in New York I was Cheer captain." I said smirking. Caroline glanced at Matt, then smiled at Elena.

"I... think that would make Damon really happy Elena." She said and then eyed me.

"My father compelled me not to do anything stupid and to only drink off of blood bags." I lied. Caroline smiled.

"Fine I can let you both on the squad! We needed a few extra people anyways!" Caroline shouted. I smirked and Elena smiled vacantly.


Hey guys. It's been a while and I'm sorry. But I finally updated! YAY!!! And I'm trying to update again today! Sooo... I'm gunna go and work on Chapter 10! Please tell me what you think of the story and yes, I do know that the stories name is 'In Love with the Gilbert Boy'. Jeremy will be alive soon! I just need to fill things in.

Soooooo.... I'll update really really soon! BYEEEE!!!!

-Staci <3





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