Chapter 4 Zoey's Vampire Night

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Zoey's POV

I gasped and blinked my eyes open. I tried to get up but there was a pain in my head, so I laid back down. Looking down at my father staring at me with a worried expression, and I remembered everything from that night. I was kidnapped, taken back to my father, and was killed right infront of him. How am I alive?

"H-h-how? How am I alive?" I asked Klaus. He looked down at the ground.

"Darling. Your in transition into becoming a vampire." He said sadly. I gasped and tried to make sense of how I became a vampire... STEPHAN! He fed me his blood earlier that night. I sniffled and tried not to cry when the most precious smell intoxicated me. My jaws started to burn/ hurt and I felt something pinch my lip. I opened my mouth and felt my teeth. They were sharp.

I looked over at the mirror hanging on the wall and saw my face. There were red cracks surrounding the bottom of my eyes. I gasped and turned around and saw what was producing the flavorus smell. I ran to the bottle and ripped it open and drank it all. It made me feel powerful, but It was cold and didn't feel right. I looked to my father, tears welling up in my eyes.

I turned and ran for the door, but strong hands grabbed me before I got to open it.

"No darling. You must stay here. I still need to get you your daylight ring. You need to stay here so you don't burn in the sun or kill to many people. I'll be back with the Bennet witch to help with the daylight problem. There are several things of bloodin the fridge. You can warm it up if you'd like to in the microwave... I love you darling. And please. Just stay here." He told me. I nodded and went to sit on the couch. He left and I was left all alone. I walked over to the fridge and looked down at the bottles of blood. I took every bottle and sat on the floor letting my blood lust consume me.

I am a monster. Just like my father and his siblings.... I searched the whole kitchen and found the bourbon/whiskey.

Several of bottles of bourbon and whiskey later... I have the stereo blasting Last Friday Night at full blast. Sometime before a girl had came over asking to turn the music down, and now she was partying with me. Her name was Charlie. She had several bites all over her body. Her boyfriend had come a little later after she came over and he was now laying dead in the corner of the room. Every last drop of blood gone from his body. He was pretty yummy...

"Charlie come over here..." I asked her. She complied and I latched my mouth onto her neck and finally getting bored, I drained her life from her. I let her drop to the ground and saw that it was finally dark outside. I raced out of the apartment building. I taught myself how to run like a regular vampire. I whiped any traces of blood from my face, and looked down to my clothes. They were the same ones Elena gave me and they were a little dirty from laying on the forest floor last night but no blood.

I raced through the town and came to a stop at some type of bar name the Mystic Grill. I gained my composure and walked into the bar. I looked around and saw Jeremy playing pool with Elena. Carefully walking over to the pool table without falling over from my drunken state, I tapped on Jeremy's shoulder. He jumped and turned around. His eyes widening at the sight of me.

"HelloJeremyandElena." I said with a slur. I smirked and looked over to Elena. She looked frightened. I turned my attention back to Jeremy. He was still stunned. Elena was the first to speak up.

"Shouldn't you be on house arest or something?" She asked frightened. I looked over to her.

"I got bored and my daddy was out looking for the little Bennett witch, and I got bored partying with my dearly departed friend Charlie and her boyfriend. So I left the apartment and ran here. Oooh that reminds me I need another bourbon. Brb!" I sang to them and turned my back to them and walked up to the bartender.

"A bourbon please ." I said smirking.

"I'll need some ID, young lady." He said back. I looked into his eyes.

"No you don't and it will be on the house." I said compelling him. He nodded and went to get my bourbon. I looked over to where Elena and Jeremy were. They were gone. I frowned and looked around the Grill and saw them leaving out the front. The bartender came back and gave me my bourbon. I grabbed it and made my way to the front door. Where did they go?

"Jeremy?" I asked when I got outside. Both him and Elena were no where in sight. Why would they leave me. I sighed and decided to just walk around. 

5 minutes later I hear Jeremy's voice laughing. 

"Jeremy!" I whispered. I turned the corner to see him and Elena walking into a house. I smile and start to walk to the house. When I get to the door, I hesitate to knock. I finally get the curage and know three times.  

"Comingg!!!" Some lady shouted. The door opened revealing a lady who looked to be in her 20s.  

"Can I help you?" The lady asked. I smiled. 

"Is Jeremy here?" I asked sweetly.  

"Yeah, hold on let me just go get him. You can come in if you want. I'm Jenna by the way." She said stepping out of the way of the door. I cautiously walked threw the doorway. 

"I'm Zoey. Zoey Mikaelson." I said smiling. She smiled and then turned to go upstairs. The house was small but homey. I heard feet fall down the stairs and someone gasped. I turned to see Elena.  

"Why'd you guys ditch me?" I asked with sadness.  

"Zoey?" Jeremy said. I turned my head up and looked at him. I smiled my most genuien smile. 

"Jeremy." I said with a sigh. Elena ran past me and into what I geussed was the kitchen. 

"Wha-what are you doing here?" Jeremy asked cautiously. 

"Can I talk to you... Alone?" I asked him.

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