Chapter 20

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I was currently sitting on the couch sipping some apple juice while Stefan and Lexi drank alcahol. Stefan had explained to me about my life, that I used to be a vampire, that my father was a half vampire werewolf thing. And that he, his pompus brother Damon, and Lexi were also vampires. He also told me that a witch named Bonnie had used me to bring down a veil that let the supernatural ghosts through.

There was a gunshot from downstairs. Steffan slowly got up out of his chair and disappeared. Me and Lexi walked down stairs quietly. I gasped when I saw a person on the floor and Stefan holding his heart.

"Ohmygod..." I whispered.

"Dont worry, he was already dead." Damon said. I sat next to the body and poked the guys face.

"Do you think, he'll come back without his heart? Or will his body grow the heart back?" I asked and looked up at the others. They stared at me strangely. I blushed.

"What? Just because I lost my memory and my vampirism, doesnt mean that I cant wonder." I told them.

"Okay. Well since we've never been in a supernatural ghost infested world, we'll just have to wait and see." Damon said and left the room. I sat down on the floor infront of the fireplace.

"Do you need anything Zoey?" Stefan asked from somewhere behind me.

"No. I-I'm fine." I stuttered. Why does he make me feel so wierd?! Its getting really annoying.

The door banged open and I turned my body to look at the two people walk in.

"Hey Stefan, Lexi. Oh good! Zoey, your up!" The brunnett said and popped up infront of me. I screamed and jumped back almost into the fireplace. The girl steadied me and then eyed me curiously. I stared back at her. She was very familiar for some reason, but she gave me an uneasy feeling.

"She has amnesia... and shes human." Stefan told her and walked over to me.

"How?" A boy asked from the other side of the room.

"Who are they S-stefan?" I whispered.

"This is Elena Gilbert and her little brother Jeremy." Stefan told me with a reassuring smile. I stepped closer to Stefan.

"And their both vampires?" I questioned.

"No. Elena is a vampire and Jeremy is a hunter." Stefan told me. I calmed down.

"Oh okay. Well, its uh nice to meet you." I told the two. Elena smiled sadly at me and then turned to Stefan.

"So where's Damon?" She asked.

"He's in his room." Stefan said and she and Jeremy walked upstairs.


I found myself at the Mystic Falls Highschool. Stefan, Elena, and the other members of there group had just graduated. Its a bit strange to still have the graduation in the middle of a ghost circle, but I guess thats just how they role.

Damon is off playing hero... Err. Well he's leading a hunter to that Silas guy and giving him the cure.

I dont know why but I've been kind of touchy since we left the Salvatore house. Elena has been annoying the hell out of me and its taking all I have to not hit her.

"Hey Zoey!" Elena's voice questioned. I bit back my snarky comments and turned to her with a fake smile. The smile imidiatly faded and turned into a frown.

"What do you want?" I asked angrily. She looked at me shocked.

"I was just going to ask if you needed anything. Whats wrong?" She asked me. The small group turned to look at us.

"Nothings wrong. I'm fine." I played it off. Stefan looked at me worriedly.

"Zoey do you feel angry for no apparent reason?" He asked me gently. I rolled my eyes.

"No. There is a reason that I'm so fricken mad. Its her." I said and pointed at Elena.

"What did I do?" Elena asked incrediously.

"Oh no you dont do anything. Its how everyone acts for you. Everything revolves around Elena. Its getting very old." I spat out. She looked like she wanted to beat the tar out of me.

"Elena. Don't do anything. She doesn't really mean what she's saying. Its the... werewolf in her talking." Stefan said. All of the sudden the whole little gang dropped to the ground writhing in pain. I looked up to see a little horde of, I'm gunna guess witches.

I looked down at the writhing bodies and saw Stefan. Rage filled me and all I could see was red as I tore through the witches. One by one I ripped their heads off until they were all dead. I felt a pain in my stomach and looked down. I gasped and fell to my knees.

"Zoey!" Someone shouted. I looked up and all of the sudden they were all surrounding me.

"Does this mean I'm a werewolf now?" I questioned warrily. Stefan stared down at me and then looked to the stake in my stomach. He slowly, but painfully, pulled it out. I cried out as he did so.

"There must have been wolfsbane on the stake." Stefan said. Someone new came into view.

"W-who are you?" I stuttered. The perky blonde leaned over and whispered something in his ear. The man stared at me in thought and then he bit his wrist and stuck it on my mouth. I was confused but I drank the blood anyways. The pain went away and the wound disappeared. This is definately a very strange day!

"So I'm cured?" I asked curiously.

"Not exactly. Just try not to be killed today and you'll be fine." The blonde man told me and started walking away with the blonde girl. Stefan helped me off the ground and I dusted my self off.

I feel different. Even more different than I had felt this morning.

"So how are you feeling Zo?" Jeremy questioned.

"I dont know... Well I still feel like a bomb thats about to blow up, but thats probably normal for a werewolf right?" I asked and everyone nodded.

"I'm sorry Elena. I didn't mean to say all of that to you." I said quietly. She smiled and pulled me into a hug.

"Don't worry about it." She told me and let me go. We then made our way back to the Salvatore Boarding House. Damon was waiting for us. Hima and Elena walked off into another room.

"Hey umm... S-stefan?" I stuttered nd blushed when he looked at me.

"Yeah?" He asked.

"I- uh- Can I speak to you... In private?" I asked. Lexi laughed.

"You know there is nothing about speaking privatly when you in a house full of vampires, right?" She joked. Stefan rolled his eyes and we walked into the kitchen.

"So whats up?" He asked. I took a deep breath and let it out.

"I like you..." I whispered.

"You dont remember me. How can you know that?" He asked. I bit my lip.

"Because I lied, Stefan. I remember you. Your the only person I remember from before the whole amnsesia thing happened, and there must be a reason for it!" I told him. He frowned.

"We can't be together." He said and it hurt.

"Why not?" I asked.

"Because i'm in love with someone else." He told me. A tear fell from my eye.

"The first rule of living... Do the thing that you're most afraid of..." I whispered to myself in remembrance of what someone had told me once.

"What?" Stefan asked curiously. I stared up into his eyes and then I connected my lips to his.

My Name is Zoey Mikaelson (TVD Fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now