Chapter 14 Prom of Horror!!

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Zoey's POV

I walked into the store and saw Bonnie and Caroline. 

"Um, you look super hot, by the way." Bonnie told Caroline. 

"You think?" Caroline asked. 

"Oh yeah." Bonnie replied 

"Matt and I are gonna have the sexiest date there." Bonnie gloated and they both giggled. 

"You know what, I love friend-prom. And it's exactly what prom should be-- friends and memories." Caroline paused and continued. "Yes, it sucks that my boyfriend can't be here, but the three of us are gonna have the night of our lives." 

"Too bad Jeremy's dead. I would have compelled him to be my date. BTW Caroline, I love the dress." I said while looking at a bright green dress. 

"It wouldn't have worked." Bonnie said. I looked at them. 

"Yea but I would have made it work Bon." I said smiling at her. She glared at me. The door jingled as Elena and Bekah came in. 

"Hey, Bonnie. Heard you got your mind wiped-- that sucks. Pretty dress, Caroline. Hey Zo." Elena said. 

"I said the same to her!" I said. 

"I know Elena. You helped me pick it out months ago when we were friends-- before you tried to kill me." Caroline replied. 

"Oh. I thought it looked familiar."Elena said smirking. Caroline turned to the store clerk. 

"Can you press this for me? I'll pick it up later. Bonnie?" Caroline said and they went into the fitting room. I turned to Elena. 

"So... your going to prom?" I asked smiling.

Hours Later

Elena and I walked down the steps of Rebekah's front porch. Elena was wearing Caroline's dress and I was wearing a bright red dress that I picked from the store. A limo pulled up in front of the house and Stefan and Damon got out of it. 

"We don't need a babysitter." Elena said coldly. 

"Really? Because the last time I saw you both together, Zoey ripped a waitress' head off." Stefan said. 

"You liked that? My daddy taught it to me." I said giggling. 

"Got you to stop your search for the cure, didn't it?" Elena asked as I started to walk away. Damon blocked my way. 

"Yep. We're just here to make sure you hold up your end of the deal. Don't eat the prom queen." Damon said. I giggled. 

"No promises from me." I said and winked at him. He then offered up a wrist corsage. 

"May I?" Damon asked. I looked over to Elena and she shook her head 'no'. I looked back at Damon and frowned. 

"No." I said. Damon grabbed my wrist and shoved the corsage onto it, while Stefan put one on Elena. 

"Wow, would you look at that. Aw." Damon said to me.  

"Beautiful dress." Stefan said to Elena. 

"Thank you. I stole it." Elena said got into the limo and I rolled my eyes. 

"Who's dress is it?" Stefan asked me. 

"Oh you'll see. She will make a big deal about it." I said sarcastically.


Elena walked the red carpet leading to the prom with Stefan by her side. Damon was my date. The path is lined with screens playing slide shows of photographs. 

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