Chapter 17 Blood...

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"Hey Bonnie." I said quietly and slid into the little booth.

"Hello Zoey." She responded.

"So why exactly am I here?" I questioned.

"You know how Silas wants me to lower the veil?" She questioned me. I nodded.

"Well it seems there is still one thing that I need to actually lower it." Bonnie said quietly.

"And that is?" I asked.



"What do you mean me?!" I exclaimed in panic.

"Shhh!! Do you want the whole town to know?" She scolded me quietly. I shut my mouth and slumped against the table.

"What do you mean by me? If the veil falls, will I die? Whats going to happen to me Bonnie?" I asked quietly. She sighed and stared me in the eyes.

"I'm not sure what will happen to you. I asked you here so I could warn you... Silas will be looking for you soon. So I request you be with either Damon or Stephan at all times. Try not to be alone a lot. If the person you are with is acting odd, then its most likely Silas. Be careful Zoey." Bonnie said and then left me alone at our table. I quickly stood up from the booth and walked towards the front doorway of the Grill. Once I was outside I vampire speeded back to the boarding house. I was about halfway to the house when I tripped over a log. My blonde hair falling over my face. I had bleached my hair back to its original color the other day.

"Wow. I can't believe I tripped over a log..." I said quietly to myself. I stood up and dusted my jeans off. All of the sudden I smelled blood and my throat started to ache. 'Get to the house. Get to the house.' I chanted in my head and quickly vamp speeded to the house.

I took several deep breaths and walked into the boarding house. I walk past Damon and past Stefan. I don't even acknoledge if they said anything to me. All I can think of is blood. I know theres a human in this house, and my feet pull me towards the pulsing of his blood.

For a second I just stand there staring at the two people... and then I lunge for what I want. The blood is all I can think of as I am thrown acrossed the room into the wall. I jump up and attack the blonde who threw me.

"Zoey!!" Someone shouts and brings me out of my blood crazed phase. I stop struggling against Rebekah.

"Ohmygod. I- I'm so sorry. I feel like I haven't had any blood in weeks. I didn't- I didn't mean to lose control." I said quickly.

"When was the last time you fed?" Bekah asked me as she let me up.

"I'm not really sure... I'm just going to get a blood bag." I said quickly and walked out of the room and down the stairs. I hear someone walk out of the cell ahead of me. I looked up and see Elena leaning against the rusty metal door.

"I heard that you're quite thirsty. And I need my partner in crime."" She said dryly. I don't know why but I smile along with her.

I grip her arm and vampire speed us out of the house. I must have lost my mind... But I don't really care if I did. No I haven't turned off my humanity, I'm just really hungry.

I stop running when I see the first human we come acrossed, but Elena keeps going. I ignore her and approach the human girl.

"Are you lost?" I asked her quietly. She shrieks a little bit and turns towards me. Her face shows relief.

"Oh my god. You scared me. And yes I am lost." She told me. I smile.

"Perfect." I say and lunge onto her, pushing both of us onto the ground. I feel myself vamp-out and sink my teeth into her neck. She screams. Yum. I really needed this. Being out of control makes me feel more in control.

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