Chapter 6 I'm a monster...

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Just as I ran into a seluded part of the woods, someone pushed me into a tree by my throat. I looked up into piercing blue eyes. Stefan was standing near us.

"Damon..." I sighed relieved it was him and not my father. My father... He's gunna kill me once he finds me...

"What do you want with Jeremy?" Stefan asked me. I looked at him confused.

"What do you mean?" I asked cunfused.

"Cut the crap Zoey! Just tell us why you wont leave him alone!!" Damon yelled into my face. I flinched.

"I don't know Damon! I just feel wierd when I'm around him. It-Its-I feel like a moth and he's the flame." I said quietly. He laughed like I was stupid.

"It's the fucking bloodlust Zoey!" He yelled again.

"NO! No its not Damon! You wanna know how I know? Its because I've already killed two fucking people already, and that felt different! Its only him that I feel wierd when Im around him! So yeah call me a monster but NO! I will never hurt Jeremy! I dont want to hurt Jeremy... He is my equal... He makes me his equal... He's.... He's MINE!!!" I roared into his face and flipped our positions around on him around.

"You got that Damon?!" I screamed into his face.

"HE... IS.... MINE!!!!!!" I said just as Stefan was about to attack me. As he lunged I ran to a different tree. Stefan collided with Damon, causing them both to fall to the ground. I left before they could attack me.

I need to talk to Jer... Maybe he can clear up some of my feelings... Or something. Once I reached his and Elena's house I jumped up to his window only to see something I did not want to see. I saw Jeremy. He was kissing some dark skinned girl on his bed. They stopped because the girl said she needed to talk to Elena about some 50s dance or whatever.

I need to leave, I said to myself. Man was I stupid to think that Jeremy wouldn't have anyone and would just go out with me. I'm a monster and I would never deserve Jeremy if he even considered me...

I geuss it is as good of a time to confront my father... He might punish me though... Once I was in the middle of no where, I laid down in the middle of the road to think of what to do. Not even caring if the Salvatore brothers or a car found me or not.

What should I do? Confront father about disobeying him and leaving the apartment and leaving those two dead humans there? Orrrr... Let the Salvatores find me... I'll take the Salvatores over my father any day. Just as I was about to get up a car was speeding up to my body. Its tires screeched to a stop.

I just stayed there. Laying in the road infront of the car. I heard one of the doors open, and human feet hit the cement and run up to me.

"Oh my god!! Are you okay?! Are you hurt in any way?!?!" she screeched into my ear. All I did was look up to her and laugh halfheartedly.

"Just stay right here okay? I'm gunna call an ambulance to help you." She said quickly and ran to her car. I vampire sped to stand right behind her. She turned and gasped as she saw me.

"Oh god! You scared me!!!" she said with a little bit of fear. I looked into her eyes.

"Don't scream." I said roughly. She nodded while fear quickened her heart beat. I grasped her and bit into her neck. Power rushed through my veins as I took her life. Soon her heart slowed to a stop. I put her body into the car and I flipped it into the ditch.

I looked at my hands in discust. I just killed another innocent person. I am as much of a monster as my father...

I ran and ran and ran, not caring where I was going to go. The sun was starting to rise. I stopped running and looked up. Infront of me was the Salvatore Boarding house. No one was inside. I ran inside and to the basement. I saw some vervain and grabbed it hissing but not caring about the pain. Once I got into one of the cells, i shut the cell door and threw the vervain onto the cot. I sat down next to the vervain and picked it up again.

Hissing, I quickly put the vervain into my mouth and tried to swallow. It no good, because once it touched my tongue I cried out in pain and most of the vervain emediatly came out of my mouth. I was crying from the pain, but finally swallowed the vervain that was still in my mouth.

I didn't even know someone was in the house until the basement door squeaked open. I sat on the cot frozen. My head was getting dizzy, and my vision blurred. Probably frm the vervain that got into my system. Someone called out,but I couldn't understand the words... I saw a figure infront of me, but darkness enveloped me.


Hello!!! This is my first author's note! Yay!!!!! xD

Okay, so I'm friggin sorry this chapter is soooooo short! I promise that I'm working on the next chapter! I hope your happy with my story so far!

BTW! Have a happy 4th of July!!!!!!!!!!!

Oki Doki.... so VOTE, COMMENT, follow me... ok that sounded stalkerish..... Lol please ignore the stalkerish talk! I'm not a stalker!!!




From Staci! ;D

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