Welcome home! Aito's shopping time part 1

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"Hmm? So this is the place huh?" I asked as I looked at the apartment. I smiled brightly and knocked on the door. Soon it was opened to show my not so happy papa who wasn't dressed in his girl clothes. "Haha! Papa looks silly!" I laughed as I rolled around on the floor holding wataru close.

"Huh? Papa?" He asked looking down at me confused and annoyed. Suddenly as if a lightbulb struck he smiled brightly and picked me up spinning me around. "AITO!!! My sweet little boy! Welcome home!" Papa cried. Soon he hugged me close and nuzzled his cheek to my head.

I laughed and hugged him back. "Haha! Hi papa! I missed you!" I said cutely. Papa blushed and started gushing putting me in a death hug. After he was done we were both in the living room siting down. I had gotten all my stuff put away in my room and was now drinking chocolate milk.

"So what made you decide to come home?" Papa asked as he took a sip of his coffee. "Hmm~ I missed you and Haru-chan! So I decided to come home and go to Haru-chan's school!" I said brightly. He nodded his head and sighed in bliss.

"I see. Well haruhi won't be back from school for a while so why don't we go out shopping?! I want to buy you stuff!" Papa said happily eyes filled with excitement. I smiled and nodded my head happily. "Hai!" Papa cheered and stood up running off to his room to get ready.

I giggled and went to my room. (Photo above.) I smiled and plopped down onto my bed and giggled as I rolled around on it. Suddenly I heard my phone vibrate signaling I got a text. I sat up and picked up my phone the bear keychain jingling as I do so.

I looked at the screen and my eyes widened a little but I smiled.

From: ru-ru! (Ruki)
Subject: sorry.

Hey I just wanted to say sorry about that whole thing a few days ago...I was just...upset that you were going...

I smiled and texted him back with many happy things.

To: ru-ru!

Ruki! It's ok I forgive you! >•< I'm sorrrrryyyy I didn't want to make you upset! >~<! I should be the one apologizing not you!

I sent him the text and a few seconds later he replied.

From: ru-ru!
Subject: pain

Geez why do you have to make everything cute? Honestly it's going to make my heart stop...anyways you don't need to apologize I'd forgive you even if you didn't. Well I have to go I've got a date!

Chow bitch!

I giggled and text him bye. Soon I heard a knock on my door and went to open it. There my papa stood all dressed up and ready. He had his makeup on and his hair done. He was wearing a cute yet very pretty blue blouse with white trim and a pair of nice blue dress pants. He was wearing white heals and had a purse with him.

"Ready to go Aito?" He asked happily. I smiled and nodded as we walked out of the house. As we're walking people kept staring at us and either blushing, gushing, or whispering. In other words we were being fanned by. I sighed and held wataru closer. Papa giggled and took my hand.

"Hmm? Where to first?" He asked and then smiled brightly. "I know! Let's go to my favorite store!" He cheered and pulled me away. Soon we arrived at a small store with a bunch of women's clothes. Papa was excited as he looked around. "Ah if it isn't Ranka! It's nice to see you again!" The stores clerk said happily.

I watched as they both talked and sighed. I looked out the store window and my eyes lit up. There across the street was a boy Lolita shop! But not just any Lolita shop! It was a goth Lolita shop! I smiled happily because you see I was a goth Lolita!

I ran over to papa and tugged on his arm getting his attention. "Papa! I wanna go to that store!" I said happily as I pointed to it. He looked at it and smiled as he reached into his purse and took out some money. "Alright here you go. Be careful and I'll meet you in a bit!" He said smiling.

I nodded and took off. "Yay!" I cried happily. When I got in my eyes lit up in happiness. "Wah! It's amazing!" I cheered happily. I start to look around excitedly before I heard a giggle from behind.

"I think this would suit you."

*to be continued*

OHSHC (yaoi) haruhi's Lolita brotherWhere stories live. Discover now