The Lobelia girls. Sophia's worry?!

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I yawned exhausted as I trudged through the halls. 'I'm so tired.' I thought to myself rubbing one of my eyes. "Ah! Good evening Aito!" I heard some girls cheer happily. I looked over at them and smiled a tired smile. "Good morning! How are you today?" I asked sweetly. They all blushed with smiles on their faces before letting out happy squeals.

I just continued to make my way down the hall till I reached the host club. "Huh?" I asked noticing someone standing in front of the door. "Sophia?" I asked tilting my head. I watched as Sophia jumped slightly quickly looking over at me nervously. "A-ah! Aito-kun! You surprised me!" She laughed smiling at me.

I just looked at her for a moment before smiling. "I'm sorry! Are you by chance here to see Haruhi?" I asked knowing the answer. I watched as she blushed quickly looking away. "D-don't be silly! Haha! Me someone who worships the darkness coming to see someone so pure of light?! Haha! How ridiculous!" She laughed clearly embarrassed.

I just smiled at this happily taking her hand. "Come on! Haruhi is out getting some more instant coffee for the club I heard! In the mean time you can wait for her with me! We can eat cake with Honey!" I said dragging her into the club ignoring her protests. "Ya know you should really talk to Haruhi more. It's not that hard she's really nice! Plus I'm supporting you a hundred percent!" I cheered. Once inside I saw all of the guys dressed as knights.

I looked at them for a moment before sighing. "I'm not wearing that." I mumbled annoyed. "Whaaaa!! Come on please Aito! Please!" Tamaki cried clinging to me like a baby. I just sighed in annoyance. "Fine! Just get off me!" I whined. With lightning speed he had changed me into a green set of armor.

I just sighed looking over at Sophia. "Hehe sorry about that." I laughed lightly. She just smiled at me. "It's ok!" She cheered. "Hey who's the girl?" The twins asked appearing behind me. "She's been here before remember? She came here to see Haruhi." Kyoya said. I hummed looking back at the two. "This is my friend Sophia! She's part of the dark magic club!" I said happily.

With that said Tamaki was on the other side of the room in fear. "D-dark magic club?!?!" He asked shocked and scared. I just ignored him happily introducing her to everyone. Sophia hummed happily looking at everyone. "So this is the club Haruhi-Sama really enjoys huh?" She asked smiling a sweet smile.

"I'm happy to meet you all! I'm glad Haruhi-sama is happy about this!" She said sweetly. I watched as she talked with the twins about causing mischief. Just then I got a text message from Yuki. I hummed looking at it.

Aito!!!!! I'm sorry but your sweet and loving daddy won't be able to come to the host club today! Me and Ruki are going out shopping for some food! Be safe and don't let that idiot Tamaki touch you got it?!?! Daddy loves you!!!!

I just shook my head at the text a small smile on my face. "Hey! Hey! Ai-Kun!" I heard Honey cheer as he tugged on my arm. I hummed looking over at him happily. "Do you know when Haru-chan will be back?" He asked tilting his head. I hummed placing a finger to my lips. "I'm not sure...maybe in the next three minutes?" I mumbled.

"Yay!" He cheered hugging me. "Then Sophia-chan will be able to spend time with Haru-chan!" He laughed happily. I just smiled at him nodding. "That's right!" I laughed. I watched as Kyoya went and had Sophia take a seat giving her some sweets to munch on.

"Please make yourself at home miss Sophia." He said bowing at her. She just smiled nodding her head as she went and flipped through her dark magic book. 'Good luck Sophia!' I mentally cheered.

~time skip~

We all stood by the door waiting for the guests to arrive. I stood next to Honey the two of us happily smiling at each other as we held our stuffed bunnies close. Just then we heard the door open. All of us looked towards it and smiled. "Welcome ladies!" We all said.

OHSHC (yaoi) haruhi's Lolita brotherWhere stories live. Discover now