Christmas special:

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*Okay, today's Christmas day so I've decided to make a special chapter dedicated to the fine celebration. And so you don't get confused, it has nothing to do with my story's plan. Enjoy and merry Christmas*

It was particularly cold in the sewers of New York City. But it's only natural since it's December. Tomorrow will be my first Christmas with the guys and I was going to make it special. I got everything, lights, ornaments, you name it. All that was left was the Christmas Tree. I had given that task to my good friend April and her annoying boy-friend Casey.

I quickly got out all the stuff I bought and got quickly to work. If I was lucky, I'd be able to finish decorating before the boys finish their training. I was in the process of putting some lights up when I heard the boys approaching.

"What are you doing?" I felt someone tug on my red scarf

I looked down to see a confused Michelangelo "just decorating the place for Christmas" I explained while carefully climbing down the step stool

He kept his attention on the blinking lights I had just finished hanging "I just have one question. What's Christmas?"

The question startled me and I dropped everything I had in my hands, thankfully it was just garlands "y-you don't know what Christmas is?" I choked out

As usual, Raphael was there to slap some sense into his young brother "it's that thing humans celebrate every December. When they hang lights and decorate trees"

"Oh!" He exclaimed as he rubbed the red bump on his head that his brother had given him "can I help decorate?"

"Sure, just make sure not to break anything"

My warning was instantly followed by the sound of breaking glass. I looked down at Mikey's feet to see one of my most valuable Christmas ornaments shattered into a million pieces. I dropped everything and rushed to the destroyed piece of decoration and picked up the biggest pieces I could find and put them together in hopes it would magically stay, but reality was very mean. Without realising it, Leonardo and Donatello rushed into the room, probably wondering what was going on.

"What happened?" Leo asked

Raphael gladly answered "Mikey happened"

"Sorry about that" The orange-clad turtle said "was it valuable?"

I shook my head and faked a smile "Not at all, it was just an old ornament that my grandma made, nothing that could've cost billions of dollars"

"She can make another one right?" Donnie asked with a hopeful smile

"Sure, maybe after her long nap"

There was an awkward silence after that but Mikey had to ruin it "I don't get it"

I ignored him and picked up the shattered pieces of glass and threw it away "it's okay, it's just an ornament after all. Plus, I went to the store and got something better" I digged through my shopping bag, and pulled out the surprise "tadda!"

They stared at the small objects in my hand in confusion "more ornaments?"

I gasped "not just any ornaments! They're snowmen!" Their expressions didn't change "if you look closely you'll see that they have your names on them"

The purple-clad turtle snatched one of them to analyse it "nice"

"Pretty cool, huh?" I said as each of them took a snowman with their names on it "and their hats even match the colors of your mask"

"Waoh, Sky. You really went all out on this" Leo remarked

Before I could reply, April came in threw the turnstiles with a gigantic Christmas tree following behind her "this was the best they had"

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