Chapter 24: we need to talk

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"Sky, we need to talk"

It's been a week ever since that 'dream' of mine and I was still taking time to recover, physically and spiritually. The boys tried over and over and over again to get me to talk about this issue but try as they might, my lips were sealed shut. I spent my days in my room in solitude, frightened by the fear of re-enacting the events.

Leonardo, on the other hand, wasn't willing to give up on me like the others had. He would always come to my room and knock on the door at five in the morning before he started exercising like he always did before training session. At noon, after training he'd drop by and leave some food at my door and when I went out to pick it up, I could always feel him watching me, but he never stepped out of the shadows to confront me. Then at night, he would stay up past midnight to make sure I wouldn't leave the Lair.

Today however was different. I was waiting for him to knock on my door like the usual but he never did, instead it was silent. I heard footsteps as he walked past my door and to the main room. Had he given up on me as well?

I quietly got out of bed and tiptoed over to the door and pushed it open to inspect the hallway through the small crack. The corridor was completely empty and silent. Since the coast was clear, I stepped out of my room for the first time in what felt like forever.

It gave me a foreign sensation to be out of the tight space that enclosed me from the world. The smell of pizza and the sound of water dripping from the pipes predominated in the air. I'd be lying if I said I didn't miss it.

As I took the time to adapt, I noticed a faint light coming from the main room. Estimating it was Leonardo watching Space Heroes, I turned on my heels and ran to my room. But out of nowhere, the blue-clad turtle appeared at my doorway, blocking the way to enter my room.

"Sky, we need to talk" I remained silent, albeit knowing he wouldn't let me go through until I talked "Skylar" he begged

I couldn't bring myself to talk, nor to look up at him. I feared if I did, it would remind me of his death. His broken shell, his bloodstained face, his dying smile...

"Sky, you've been locked up for more than a week now. Are you okay?" He held me by the shoulders and I flinched away on instinct "are you hurt?"

I shook my head to let him know I was alright. The humanoid turtle frowned down and I knew he was greatly disappointed in me. I couldn't blame him though, I've blocked him out for so long, all because of a simple dream I feared was a prediction.

With a heavy sigh, he removed himself from my passage and started to make his way to the main room. But I couldn't let things end like this. I grabbed hold of his arm and held it tightly.

"Don't go" I mumbled under my breath

Leonardo froze on the spot and time froze along with him. No one moved, no one made a sound. And with each second that flew by, the tears got harder and harder to keep in.

"L-Leo...I'm sorry...I didn't mean to block you out..." I sniffled, trying to repress my emotions as best as I could "I just...I don't want to see anyone get hurt because of me...I can't let you die for my sake again"

By now, the tears had broken down the dam and were flowing out. There was no holding back. I fell to my knees and held my face in my hands as I let myself unravel before the terrapin.

Leonardo quickly knelt down besides me and took me into his arms. I clutched onto him and let my tears drop one by one unto his shoulder and I couldn't help but realize how bare Leo made me feel whenever I was with him. He could sense my every emotion and he knew exactly when I needed him. He was almost like my guardian angel.

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