Sorry not an update (but please read)

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I have news. I have been....T.A. G.G.E.D by TruestBeliever13 (Sorry for being so dramatic, but in my defense I had to). So I'll share some stuff about me and then tag some of my friends. Let the horror begin.

*Name*: Claire's the name, don't abuse it B)

*Age*: what's it to ya? Lol, just kidding. I am legally 14 years old

*Date of birth*: I was put into this world on the 13th of October (I have a long way to go...)

*Nationality*: afer what I'Ve been told, I'm 50% American and 50% Burkinabé. But I'm still proud of my African side! (Burkinabé is what we call people from Burkina Faso, it's in Africa)

*School*: Not sure what good you get from this but okay. I attend high school as any other teen

*Looks*: if you see me, you'd say I'm a hybrid. I'm on the chubby side, but proud so judge all you want. What doesn't kill me only makes me stronger! I have brown curly hair, AKA 'The Nest'. I'm beige. The mixture of white and black. Don't call me black, don't call me white either. I'm beige. BEIGE! (Sorry, had to make that clear). I have brown eyes, and wear glasses.

*Personality*: to my true friends I'm kind. To 'others', I'm a crazy chic that always puts her nose in other people's business. To me, I am a blank canvas. I can turn out to be a beautiful painting, or another drawing meant to criticise everything and be loathed by everyone. But either way I'm cool, because as long as I'm true to myself, there's nothing else I'd rather be.

*Interests*: Isn't it obvious? I'm in LOVE with them boys in green. I could literally put my life on the edge just to watch an already seen episode of TMNT. Ask, my friends, they'll testify it. I'm also a phangirl in progress and I am slowly getting attached to almost every show I watch. The funnier, the better.

*Favourite colors*: green, blue and orange (only some of you will understand why. No, actually if you do read my fanfiction then you would know)

*Favourite number*: this is a actually pretty tough. I like the number 2, 4, 6, 8... can you see the pattern? Yeah, I like any number that goes on that pattern.

I think that's all. Thank you Carl, or should I say Karla for tagging me now it's my turn to tag others...

@SherlockedMerlinian my new friend! We just met but I don't care! Just do it! Just do it!

Phantoms_Bride-3745 -Daughter you've already been tagged but I had to. Don't ask questions

@YareelyMejia yes, I tagged you!

Leofangirl2000 oh yeah, you're doing it too!

Kimiko_Jaguar I'm not sure if you'Ve already been tagged but just post a comment below if so

1TMNTLover I'm dying to know you more (evil laugh)

Okay, that's pretty much all I've got. But if you are reading this, then you're tagged as well. I want you guys to do this...challenge (not sure what to call it so yeah)... and tag me so I can see it. Hope you do it! ♡▪♡

PS: I just realized that back then I had no idea how to tag others in my book 😂 stupid me

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