Chapter 28: do you want to make a contract?

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Author's note: okay, this chapter was published in a hurry so there might be some errors here and there but I'll come back later and correct anything. Other than that, enjoy!!!! (Warning, the end is closing in on us 😭😭😭)

In the end, it was Donatello who picked out the weapon of mass destruction in order to help us in our mission. Now all that was left was to find the portal, destroy it and find a way back home to Earth.

"Are we sure this will work?" Raphael asked as they followed my lead

"We can only hope" the blue-clad answered as he fell in pace with me

"The only thing I'm worried about is finding the portal" Donnie admitted "Sky, are you sure you know exactly where we're going?"

I hesitated for a moment, debating in my mind rather to tell them the honest truth or a small part of it that will make them feel better "It's my instincts, and usually they're never wrong especially when it comes to these kind of situation"

"Wait, so we're literally putting trust in your instincts?" Raphael scuffed "same time let's kiss Earth goodbye"

"Hey, let me remind you it was my instincts that helped me find you guys and it also helped us on many missions" I retorted before turning my back at the turtle and walking away

After a while of walking in complete silence, I stopped in my tracks, realizing something really major "guys...we haven't bumped into any kraangbots..."

"Yeah, so?" Casey asked

"If no one is standing guard, does that mean they're all occupied with something even bigger?"

"The invasion!" Donnie exclaimed in shock "Sky, we have to get there now, please tell us where to go"

Bobbing my head, I rid every thought from my head, leaving my mind completely blank. With my absent mind, I left myself vulnerable to my inhumanly innate abilities to figure the way to go.

"Left turn...second door to the right!" I said with eyes closed

Without thinking over my prediction, I led the way as indicated and found myself in a dark room.

"Sky, are you sure this is the place?" The purple-clad turtle asked as he grabbed my shoulder

I furrowed my brow as I tried to review the situation "I-I don't know...maybe it's the third door...?"

"Are you kidding me?!" Raph bellowed "we're putting our lives on the line on this mission and you can't tell which door it is! Out of all the kunoich's in this world, we just had to get stuck with you and your so called 'instincts'!"

I took a step back to make more space between us in case he wanted to get physical "I'm trying my best Raph. This isn't as easy as it looks" I yelled "if you think you can do a better job then be my guess"

The veins on his forehead were becoming more and more visible as he sucked in deep breaths. I swear I could also see the smoke coming out of his ears and nose. But before the meathead could get a chance to get back at me, the door behind us slammed shut, leaving us in complete darkness.

The darkness left us all impaired, and therefor vulnerable. And as it turns out to be, we were not alone in that room. Without a warning, somebody came up behind me and clasped a hand over my mouth to prevent me from screaming for help. And with his other free hand, he firmly pinned my arms behind my back.

After a swift moment, the lights were switched on, permitting us to finally see again. A gasp left my mouth only for it to be muffled by the metal hand over my lips. The puzzle pieces instantly put themselves together in my head, revealing the big picture.

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