Chapter 7: the red-head and the hockey-player

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I balanced my weight on one foot and raised the other in the air, swinging it at my opponent, Raphael. He blocked it as intended. Now came the hard part. I attempted to swing my second foot in the air while landing the first one back down but I messed up and fell to the ground.

"Yame!" Master Splinter hit the ground with the end of his green staff

I sighed and plopped my sweat covered body on the floor "I'm never gonna get this!" I whined

"Don't say that" Michelangelo said, coming up to me "you'll get the hang of it"

"Well how come I can't get it now!" My tone was harsher than I expected it to be

"It takes time, Sky" Donnie said as he helped me up

"Then how come all of you guys got it?"

"Maybe because we're better than you" Raphael stated with a smug look

"Says the brute who got his shell handed to him last time" Mikey whispered in my ear

I covered my mouth to not let the red-clad turtle see me laughing. But Raphael proved that he was a really good listener and observant "what did you say about me?"

The young turtle didn't have the chance to come up with a lie before his elder brother lunged at him. The two were soon engaged in a high speed chase around the Lair. Everyone started retreating to different parts of the Lair. Donnie went to his lab, Mikey who had finally escaped from Raph's wrath retreated to the kitchen probably to check on Ice Cream Kitty or make some pizza. Raphael disappeared into his room, so did Master Splinter.

I felt the familiar feeling of a hand on my shoulder "hey, Sky?" I turned around to come face to face with the leader in blue

"Hey, Leo. What's up?"

"I thought that maybe if you didn't have anything else to do I could maybe help you out with that move?" He said with a smile

I returned the smile "you will?" He confirmed it with a nod "thank you so much!"

"Okay, so, I think the reason you're not getting the hang of it is because you focus too much on the force to apply in the kick and you seem to lose your balance as you do so" he analyzed, leaving me speechless

"I thought Donnie was the smart one?"

He shook his head in disapproval all the while smiling "Hey, I'm not as smart as him but I'm not dumb either"


"Anyway, so the key to mastering this technique is balance and speed" he explained

I shrugged my shoulders "I've never been the balance kind of gal"

"That's funny, the first time I watched you fight, balance didn't seem to be an issue"

"It's not" I said, playing with a lock of hair "It just comes naturally to me, but I guess if I want to be able to pull this off I have to concentrate on it"

He nods at this "okay, let's start"

•Leonardo's POV•

I watched Skylar with curiosity as she tried to imitate the same pose as I was in. She was struggling to stay still, and I was pretty sure that even a small push could result in her tumbling to the ground.

"Relax your muscles" I said as I took in a deep breath "take in a deep breath and let it out"

"I'm...trying" she grunted "it's hard to keep this stance!"

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