Get over it

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I sit through he boring class prior until lunch. Trying to avoid eye contact with Kaoru, I make it out the class room and to the lunch room. I sit at the table in the corner for the lunch room, the place were no one really ever sits.

*At the other side of the lunch room*
Haruhi sits with the twins, Hikaru and Kaoru sit next to each other, but are quieter than normal. As Kaoru pokes at his food Hikaru sits there awkwardly with his face resting on his hand. Haruhi finally speaks up.
"You guys are quiet today."
Kaoru just drops his fork on the plate looking in the opposite direction of Hikaru.
"Kaoru, you can't be mad forever!" Haruhi spoke again. Kaoru just ignored him and stared at the table. Hikaru then stood up.
"Well if we are not even going to have a proper conversation then I'm going to sit somewhere else."
*your pov*
I sit at the table alone, after a seemingly short few minutes Hikaru comes and sits next to me.
"Hey." I say awkwardly.
"Hey..." He replied. We sat there for a few minuets, in silence. Then Hikaru finally started to speak.
"Hey, umm, I'm sorry if my brother was making you uncomfortable or whatever... He gets worried about me like that sometimes..."
"Oh" I started "it's ok..." I answered. I sit there with my home made lunch staring at his fancy expensive cooked meal. Then I look back at my veggie sandwich. I sigh in boredom.
"You want some?" Hikaru offers. I open my mouth in response. And yes I fully expected him to feed me. He takes his fork and feeds me a bite of his... Whatever desert. My eyes light up in surprise and my neutral face turns to a joyful smile.
"ITS AMAZING." I almost shout with a mouth full of what taste kinda like some sort of pudding or custard thing. He shares the rest of his meal with me feeding me every bite, leaving my lunch untouched.

(Hey! Any suggestions for next chapter? Or maybe even chapters after that? I need suggestions please! It would help tons but if you just want me to come up with all the ideas I guess I could, but I can't promise it will be great 😅)

The day reality became a delusion (A HikaruXReader Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now