To town

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I just sit in shock for a little while.
"Sorry I didn't tell you sooner" Hikaru said apologetically.
"I- it's not your fault I guess, and I'm not really mad... I am new to the school." I sit for a little while longer, awkwardly at that.
"Well in a way, your also kind of part of the host club! I mean you are dating one of our members." Haruhi states. And I guess I am, I do hang out with them a lot, and what he- er, she- said.

We all hang out for a while longer at Haruhi's house then Tamaki speaks up.
"Well since we are here, we should go into town!" He said excitedly.
"What for?" I ask.
"Cause it's not every day we get to do commoner things!" He exclaimed.
"Commoner things?" I repeat confused.
"We are 'commoners' to him cause we are not rich" Haruhi explained. "And senpai, yes it is every day. We do 'commoner things' basically every day at the host club."
"Well, I still wanna go!" He whined. And with that, we all leave Haruhi's and walk to the near by town. Me and Hikaru walk a bit behind the rest of the group. He walks really close to my side, basically shoulder to shoulder. He reaches for my hand. Awkwardly, as always, I take it. I take it bumping his side, he bumps me back.
"Hehe" I giggle- I don't giggle. I stare at the ground for a second, shocked at the noise I just made. He laughs a little bit at it too.
"I didn't think YOU could even make that noise!" He says.
I- Neither did I-" I say still in shock.
"WE ARE HERE!" Tamaki shouts, scaring me a little bit. I jump back. He looks back to look at all of us, "Ready?" He asks. He smiles and stares at me and Hikaru for a minute. Why did he stare? I wonder for a while. We walk around the shops in town, then I realize me and Hikaru are still holding hands. We have been for mostly the entire walk. I feel my face go slightly red.
"We should go into that café and get some cake!" Honey suggested.
"Sounds good!" I agreed. We walk into the café and take our seats.

(I'm gunna end it here guys! Hope you like it, Ik it's kinda a lame one tho. I do love your feedback tho! So please comment I love seeing what you guys have to say and replying to them!)

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