Valentine's day pt1

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We finish up and I go home, so does she. I had a lot of fun!


After a few weeks, it's that time a year for Valentine's day! Yet I don't know what I want to do. I'm on my way to school and Hikaru stops me.
"Hey (Y/N)!" He says excitedly.
"Hey!" I say in reply, with an expecting tone.
"Sooooo..." He starts, "any plans tomorrow?" I knew it.
"Not unless you have something planned." I say in reply, surprising even myself. He gives a nervous laugh.
"Well, I do. Would you like to go out with me?"
"Haha, yes of course!" I answer " what will we be doing?"
"Haha, well that part is a surprise!" He says. We go to class, the halls and even the classrooms are decorated in hearts and pink. When lunch time comes around, me and Hikaru sit next to each other as always. But this time we are closer then ever. His arm is around my shoulder and I'm leaning on him. I wish we could stay like this forever. I think to myself. But our half an hour passes and we have to go back to class. But I can't focus, I am just so curious as to what the plans are for tomorrow!

(Sorry this one sucks and is very short but I have something planned for actual valentines day tomorrow! So be ready for part 2!)

The day reality became a delusion (A HikaruXReader Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now