My Thoughts

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After lunch ended witch seemed to go by like a breeze, I walk to class with Hikaru to finish the day. While sitting through the boring class period I remember that the host club had a hosting... thing. Should I go? It would be nice and raise the host club some money(like they need it). I think about it a bit longer and what feels like seconds turns into more than a few minuets and class ends. I walk out of the class room and straight to my locker.
Slightly avoiding everyone in the host club, including Hikaru , I finally decide to visit the host club. I awkwardly as always, make my way to the host clubs room.

I am not sure what to do there really, I can only really request hikaru but the rest of the host club will make a big deal of it. Kaoru is already mad at me and Hikaru. I hope he can get over it. Me and Hikaru... We...We like each other. I don't even know why he is mad at us! Is it because hikaru lied? Is he jealous that I am getting a lot of Hikaru's attention? Or maybe... He is jealous because he likes Hikaru too?!?!?!?! Oh god I hope not... That would be very much worse and awkward.

I sit there for a few minuets deciding weather or not to request him, and I finally do. Not long after my request Hikaru finds his seat next to mine. Making sure Kaoru is not around, we sit there in silence. I finally look to Hikaru. "Hey, its nice to see you..." I say, he sits there just staring into my eyes. My face becomes a bit red as I stare back. Its not long before a group of girls stand around us staring us intensely. The group grew bigger as others noticed them, it grew to the whole room. EVERYONE was looking, event the entire host club. Even Kaoru...

The day reality became a delusion (A HikaruXReader Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now