He's a What?

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Its now Saturday, Nearly noon and I have to get going soon to Haruhi's. What is going on with him? Why is this such a big deal that we all have to meet up together at his house? 

I get my stuff together and head out the door.

"Mom I'm leaving!" I say then close the door behind me. 

"Huh, he actually doesn't live that far from me." I say to myself. I make my way to his house on foot.

"This is it." I say then suddenly feel an arm on my head.

"Hello" Its Hikaru "yep this is it!" He said.

"Lets go in." states Tamaki. He leads and the rest of us follow. He knock's on the door, and a woman answers. Tamaki jumps away in fear. Kauru steps up.

"Hello sir, we are hear to meet Haruhi?" He explains. Sir? Thats a woman...

"Oh of course! Come in Come in! And it looks like you have a new friend with you too!" they say excitedly while looking at me.

We all walk in the door, Tamaki very stiffly while the sir woman thing stares at him intensely. 

"Hey guys." I hear Haruh'is voice say. I turn around and... What?

"Hey Haru-" I cut myself off. What is going on? Why does he look like this?

"Shall we just tell her already?" Haruhi says.

"You look very um..." I try to think. He looks so girly. 

"Yeah, I'm a girl. Born a girl, Identify as a girl. I don't think it really matters tho." He- I mean she? said. 

"I-" I have nothing to say to this. "why? why are you pretending to be a boy then?" I say very confused

"Its for the host club, I owe them money and by being part of the host club I can pay off my debt." He explained. Just wow...

The day reality became a delusion (A HikaruXReader Fanfic)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ