A "date" with Haruhi

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Soon enough we make it to my house, just in time. I quickly walking up to my door almost forgetting hikaru is behind me, following. I open my door and here my name behind me.

"(Y/N)! Hold on" he calls after me. I stop in my door way and turn around. He pulls me into a hug, I hug back.

"Thanks." I say.

"Haha, your welcome." He replies. He walks back to his car, waves to me and drives away.

I didn't end up sleeping till late, maybe 4 am. Luckily I don't have school. I wake up at about 1 pm naturally, and I make my way downstairs. I notice my mother is not home, but there is a note on the table with an envelope. The note read 'here is some money for if you decide to go out today! Wont be home till midnight, don't stay out too late! Love you!'

I take the envelope and open it too take a look inside. I then put it in my bag and head out. I didn't just wanna sit around at home, and I was hungry. So I decided to go out to lunch with my friends. And by friends I meant Haruhi!

We meet at a restaurant between both of our houses, not super expensive, or as Tamaki would say a 'commoner' restaurant or something like that.

"Hey" Haruhi greeted me.

"Hi!" I say back. "Thanks for meeting me for lunch."

"Thanks for inviting me, its about that time anyway and I hadn't eaten yet so it was perfect." She explained.

We head inside and talk and order our food. I had a lot of fun and Haruhi is actually really pretty! She is wearing a nice dress, how did she get herself into this host club pretending to be a male?

We eat really quickly and I still have some money left over.

"So now that we are done with lunch wanna hang out a little more? I don't really know this town well but if you have anything you wanna do I have some money left over." I suggest.

(sorry i'm ending it at a really awkward spot! I just cant think of anything else at the moment. Ill try to update soon, and I know I say that a lot. Hope you enjoyed, please comment I love replying to you guys!)

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