End of Valentine's day finally???

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He leans back afterwards and I sit there shook. I smile and sit back in my seat. He puts the roof of the car down and the movie begins to play. It's by potato productions! They make all my favorite movies!
"Is this (fav movie)??? I love this movie!" I say excitedly. "How did you know?" I ask
"Because I know YOU." He replies. "I know how to make you happy, and it makes me happy." He smiles at me. Before I am able to answer, the movie starts, we sit closely together. The movie feels like it's over quickly, but I still had fun.
"Thank you..." I say.
"Your welcome." He replies. "Now, we go to the next part of the date."
"Haha, I'm excited to hang out more..." I blush.
"Let's go." He says, putting his roof back up and driving off. Yet again, I don't know where we are going. We drive for only a few minutes and we end up going to a skating rink.
"I have never ice skated before..." I say.
"You'll learn quickly." He assured me. We walk in, get our skates on and he begins to skate, I attempt to. I stumble a little at first, but I'm not even on the ice yet.
"Come one!" He takes my hand and helps me balance.

(Hey! I'm sosososososo sorry! It's been way to long and I do apologise for my absence. Hope you enjoy this chapter I'm going to get another up today (hopefully) anyway I appreciate you all and your patience)

The day reality became a delusion (A HikaruXReader Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now